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Notepad++ Upgrade

Tools, Notepad++

Homepage includes installers and portable downloads.

HOWTO upgrade.


I went and deleted the existing installation directory, didn't check which version was I running. Then I took npp.8.6.2.portable.x64.7z portable download packet, copied it to c:\wintools\notepadpp\ dir, unpacked it, deleted it. As last step I renamed bad filename “notepad++.exe” to notepadpp.exe and that is it, all done.

Unfortunately this method lost all my configs :(

So once I relaunched notepadd.exe it was the default small dialog in center monitor top left and no dark mode etc.


Today got brand new notepad++ release v8.6.3. Downloaded it. Copied config.xml to safety, then unpacked new portable release into my install dir of c:\wintools\notepadpp\ and let 7-zip overwrite everything, once done I moved config.xml back to the same directory overwriting the new one. Finally deleted notepadpp.exe and renamed notepad++.exe to notepadpp.exe, now upgrade is complete.

tools/notepad-plus-plus/upgrade.1720975648.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/07/14 16:47 by snakeman

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