Web hosting and domain registration fees are due next week, PMC web sites will go down without your help, please Support PMC so these web sites can say online.

Without your support there will be web site down time, so please Support PMC, thank you.

You can find more detailed information about PMC web site hosting issue from PMC Tactical Forum "PMC websites from shared hosting to Virtual Private Server" topic.

If you enjoyed this content please help with web site hosting fees, head over to Support PMC page, much appreciated.

User Tools

Site Tools



Notepad++ homepage. Direct download page. User manual page. Github official repository. PMC Tactical forum topic.

Notepad++ Is A Proper Text Editor

Windows default “notepad.exe” is not, never ever use windows notepad.exe. Never use windows wordpad.exe to edit text files.

In PMC editing community when most of the tutorials say use proper text editor it means exactly that, a proper text editor instead of the garbage that comes with default windows install. Notepad++ is a proper text editor.

Notepad++ is free and open source text editor, it gets frequent updates. Has all the basic stuff like dark mode, syntax highlighting for various programming languages and scripting languages, C++, HTML, PHP, XML, etc.

Auto Completion
Dark Mode
Settings Preferences File
UTC Time Stamp

tools/notepad-plus-plus.txt · Last modified: 2024-07-14 16:48 by snakeman

All PMC web site download services are temporarily suspended until web hosting fees have been paid off, you can help. Visit Support PMC page.

To recap; PMC needs your help to pay yearly web hosting and domain registration fees, this is urgent need as hosting fees expire next week (middle of september 2024), don't wait. Visit Support PMC page and if you want to read more indepth story behind all this, check PMC Tactical Forum "PMC websites from shared hosting to Virtual Private Server" topic. Thank you very much.

Please support PMC from this page, thank you.