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RunTiles by Snake Man

This little package should read your H tiles and generate the smaller tiles for you automatically.

This is a MS-DOS batch file which runs the tiles one by one into the ancient Image Alchemy DOS utility. It then creates M, L and T tiles from the original H tiles for you automatically.

You need to put H tiles into some directory, along with your fartiles pallette pcx image. This image could be just basic H tile but with fartile pallette and xfartile.pcx filename.

4DOS.COM is required to run before using the runtiles.bat file (4DOS has the for loop support). The runtiles.bat file will NOT work on normal windows environment.


Runtiles v1.1 ;)

Make a pcx image which has all your fartile palette colors (refer to texture tutorial for details).

Copy all your new H tiles to some temp directory, then place this runtiles.bat and the fartile palette PCX file to the same dir. Rename the fartile pcx file for “xfartile.pcx” filename.

You must start to get the for loop support, basic windows will not support this. Just run in your windows dos screen. You know when the 4dos is running when you see something like this:

4DOS EMS swapping initialized (144K)
4DOS running under Windows 3 in 386 enhanced mode

4DOS 5.0   DOS 7.10
Copyright 1988-1994  Rex Conn & JP Software Inc.  All Rights Reserved

Of course if you already are using 4dos, you dont need to re-run it.

Then run “runtiles.bat” from your DOS screen and sit back. if all goes well, after the process you should have the original H tiles and also M, L and T tiles, where T tiles use the color palette from xfartile.pcx image.


@echo off
md mtiles
md ltiles
md ttiles
for %x in (h*.pcx) do alchemy ---f -p -Xb64 -Yb64 %x mtiles\%x
for %x in (h*.pcx) do alchemy ---f -p -Xb32 -Yb32 %x ltiles\%x
for %x in (h*.pcx) do alchemy -fxfartile.pcx -p -Xb16 -Yb16 %x ttiles\%x
cd mtiles
ren h*.pcx m*.pcx
move m*.pcx ..
cd ../ltiles
ren h*.pcx l*.pcx
move l*.pcx ..
cd ../ttiles
ren h*.pcx t*.pcx
move t*.pcx ..
cd ..
rd mtiles
rd ltiles
rd ttiles
echo done!

512 Resolution

Here is the example runtiles with larger (normal for nowadays?) 512 resolution tile support added.

@echo off
md htiles
md mtiles
md ltiles
md ttiles
echo creating 512 H tiles...
for %x in (h*.pcx) do alchemy -Q ---f -p -Xb512 -Yb512 %x htiles\%x >nul
echo creating 256 M tiles...
for %x in (h*.pcx) do alchemy -Q ---f -p -Xb256 -Yb256 %x mtiles\%x >nul
echo creating 128 L tiles...
for %x in (h*.pcx) do alchemy -Q ---f -p -Xb128 -Yb128 %x ltiles\%x >nul
echo creating 16 T tiles...
for %x in (h*.pcx) do alchemy -Q -fxfartile.pcx -p -Xb16 -Yb16 %x ttiles\%x >nul
cd htiles
move h*.pcx ..    >nul
cd ../mtiles
ren h*.pcx m*.pcx >nul
move m*.pcx ..    >nul
cd ../ltiles
ren h*.pcx l*.pcx >nul
move l*.pcx ..    >nul
cd ../ttiles
ren h*.pcx t*.pcx >nul
move t*.pcx ..    >nul
cd ..
rd htiles
rd mtiles
rd ltiles
rd ttiles
echo done!


Download Runtiles.v1.1.rar or Runtiles_for_512.rar packages.

falcon4/tools/runtiles.1184230497.txt.gz · Last modified: 2007-07-12 08:54 (external edit)