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falcon4:file_formats:rsc_idx_fileformat [2009-02-06 21:50]
lightning created
falcon4:file_formats:rsc_idx_fileformat [2009-02-07 07:02]
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-====== IDX/RSC file pairs====== 
-.RSC files in Falcon are "​resource bundles"​. ​ A "​resource bundle"​ is a type of file that can contain one or more (embedded) binary ​ 
-files, of varying types. ​ For example, they can contain images, sounds, and/or miscellaneous binary content. ​ A single .RSC file can  
-(and often does) contain multiple resources, potentially of mixed type (i.e. a resource bundle file could contain several images, ​ 
-several sounds, and several binary files, all at once).  ​ 
-The correspondingly-named .IDX file (located in the same folder as the .RSC file in question), stores an index of the contents of the  
-.RSC file.  This index provides offset information to the location within the .RSC file's DATA section, where a specific resource'​s ​ 
-raw binary data begins, as well as the size, in bytes, of the resource'​s binary data, and some additional metadata describing the  
-type of resource that can be found at that location. ​ The interpretation of the .RSC file's binary data, therefore, is dependent on  
-the information provided in the corresponding .IDX file. 
-**NOTE:** The .IDX file extension in Falcon refers to a variety of different kinds of index files. ​ The formats described 
-below ONLY APPLY to .IDX files that index a corresponding .RSC (resource bundle) file.  Other types of .IDX files ARE NOT 
-described below. 
-===== .IDX FILE FORMAT (for .IDX files that index a corresponding .RSC file) ===== 
-^Field Name        ^Offset (Hex)      ^Length (Bytes) ​   ^Data Type     ​^Description^ 
-|Size         ​| ​ ''​%%0x00%%'' ​       |4                 ​|long ​         |The size (in bytes) of the data section in this .IDX file  
-(i.e. the file length minus the header length)| 
-|Version ​     |  ''​%%0x04%%'' ​       |4                 ​|long ​         |The version number of the file format being used for this  
-.IDX file\\ (must match the version number of the corresponding .RSC file)\\ example: ''​%%0x023fc8dd%%''​| 
-Immediately following the header section in the .IDX file, comes the data section. ​ Each record in the data section 
-in the .IDX describes one resource that can be found in the corresponding .RSC file. 
-The DATA section in the .IDX file contains one DATA record per embedded resource in the corresponding .RSC file.  Each DATA record in  
-the .IDX file  
-starts with 2 common fields (ResourceType and ResourceID). ​ The rest of the DATA record (and hence, the size of an individual data  
-record) depends 
-on the specific ResourceType that is specified for that record. 
-NOTE: all field offsets given in the Offset column below, are relative to the start of the individual data record within the .IDX  
-file, not the start of the .IDX file itself. ​ \\ For example, the **ResourceType** field for the first DATA record in the .IDX file  
-begins at **relative offset** = ''​%%0x00%%''​ (**absolute offset** = ''​%%0x08%%'',​ for the first DATA record in the .IDX file). 
-^Field^Offset(Hex)^Length (Bytes)^Data Type^Description^ 
-|ResourceType|''​%%0x00%%''​|4|long|The type of resource that this record points to.\\ Values for the ResourceType field can be one of  
-the following:​\\ \\ **Hex Value**%% ​  ​%%**Description**\\ **''​%%0x64%%''​** ​ Image resource (i.e. an embedded bitmap)\\ ​ 
-**''​%%0x65%%''​** ​ Sound resource (i.e. an embedded windows .WAV file)\\ **''​%%0x66 %%''​** Flat file resource (i.e. embedded arbitrary ​ 
-binary content)| 
-|ResourceID|''​%%0x04%%''​|32|char[32]|A ''​%%NULL%%''​-terminated ASCII string that identifies this resource.| 
-|NOTE: ALL fields that follow, inside of a single .IDX data record, depend on the specific resource type that is being described by  
-that record.||||| 
-=== ADDITIONAL FIELDS FOR   ​RESOURCE TYPE = 0x64 (Image resource) === 
-**TOTAL RECORD LENGTH:** (including the ResourceType and ResourceID fields): 60 bytes 
-^Field Name^Offset (Hex)^Length (Bytes)^Data Type^Description^ 
-|Flags|0x24|4|long|Bit flags that describe the image format.\\ \\ Bitmasks: \\ \\ **EightBit** = ''​%%0x00000001%%''​ Image contains a  
-256-value (8-bit) palette; each image pixel is described by a single byte representing an index into the color palette array (stored ​ 
-separately).\\ \\ **SixteenBit** = ''​%%0x00000002%%''​ Each image pixel is described by 2 bytes, which, taken together as a 16-bit ​ 
-integer, provide 16 bits of color information per pixel. ​ When this flag is set, no separate palette array exists.\\ \\  
-**UseColorKey** = ''​%%0x40000000%%''​ The image uses the first color in the palette (or magenta, for non-paletted images) as the color  
-key (transparency color) -- any pixels using that color should be rendered as transparent| 
-|CenterX|''​%%0x28%%''​|2|short|Center X pixel (not used??)| 
-|CenterY|''​%%0x2A%%''​|2|short|Center Y pixel (not used??)| 
-|Width|''​%%0x2C%%''​|2|short|Width of the image, in pixels| 
-|Height|''​%%0x2E%%''​|2|short|Height of the image, in pixels| 
-|ImageOffset|''​%%0x30%%''​|4|long|Offset (in bytes) to the start of the image'​s pixel data, relative to the start of the .RSC file'​s ​ 
-DATA section. \\ \\ The actual size of the data starting at that location will be:\\ \\ (Width * Height) bytes long (for an 8-bit  
-paletted image),​\\ ​ **or** \\ (Width * Height * 2) bytes long (for a 16-bit image)\\ \\ **Pixel data structure**\\ ​ The first byte in  
-the pixel data array in the .RSC file represents the upper-left pixel of the image. ​ \\ The last byte in the pixel data array in the  
-.RSC file represents the lower-right pixel of the image. ​ \\  The pixel array is stored with the first (top) row's worth of columns ​ 
-first (i.e. byte 0=(row 0, column 0); byte 1=(row 0, column 1), byte M = (row 0, column =width)... (byte N = row=height, ​ 
-|PaletteSize|''​%%0x34%%''​|4|long|Number of entries in the image'​s palette. ​ Each palette entry consists of 2 bytes (16 bits of color  
-info per palette entry). \\  **NOTE:** PaletteSize = 0 for non-paletted images.| 
-|PaletteOffset|''​%%0x38%%''​|4|long|Offset (in bytes) to the start of the image'​s color palette data array, relative to the start of  
-the the .RSC file's DATA section. \\ \\  To convert the 16-bit color values from the palette data array (or from the raw pixel data,  
-in the case of non-paletted images) to 32-bit ARGB color values, use the following (pseudocode):​ \\ <​code>​ 
-byte A = 0xFF; //alpha byte 
-byte R = (thisPixelPaletteEntryValue & 0x7C00) >> 7; //red byte 
-byte G = (thisPixelPaletteEntryValue & 0x3E0) >> 2; //green byte 
-byte B = (thisPixelPaletteEntryValue & 0x1F) << 3; //blue byte 
-</​code>​\\ The 16-bit color data in the palette is actually only using 15 bits (5 for red, 5 for green, and 5 for blue). \\ * The  
-low-order (rightmost) 5 bits are the blue bits.\\ ​ * The next higher-order (middle) 5 bits are the green bits.\\ ​ * The next  
-higher-order 5 bits after that (i.e. the leftmost 5 bits) are the red bits.\\ * The high-order bit is not used. \\ \\ The conversion ​ 
-(described above) works by first masking off the relevant bits for a particular color, and then shifting those bits left or right so  
-that each color'​s bits occupy the 5 most-significant bits in that color'​s respective byte. \\ \\ After performing the above  
-conversion, you can then combine all the component bytes togther into a single 32-bit integer, as follows (pseudocode):​ \\ <​code>​ 
-long argb = ((A << 24) | (R << 16) | (G <<8) | B); 
-=== ADDITIONAL FIELDS FOR   ​RESOURCE TYPE = 0x65 (Sound resource) === 
-**TOTAL RECORD LENGTH:** (including the ResourceType and ResourceID fields): 52 bytes 
-^Field Name^Offset (Hex)^Length (Bytes)^Data Type^Description^ 
-|Flags|''​%%0x24%%''​|4|long|Bit flags that describe the sound format. \\ \\ Bitmasks:\\ **???**| 
-|Channels|''​%%0x28%%''​|2|short|Number of channels of audio data in the corresponding sound file.\\ \\  * 1 = mono, \\  * 2 = stereo\\ ​ 
-\\  **NOTE:** This is actually redundant, because this information is also contained in the resource'​s payload within the .RSC file'​s ​ 
-DATA section.| 
-|SoundType|''​%%0x2A%%''​|2|short|This resource'​s Windows .WAV file encoding type.  This field actually contains the value of the  
-**wFormatTag** member of the .WAV file's **WAVEFORMATEX** structure.\\ \\ **NOTE:** This is actually redundant, because this  
-information is also contained in the resource'​s payload within the .RSC file's DATA section.| 
-|Offset|''​%%0x2C%%''​|4|long|Offset to the start of the sound resource'​s .WAV file binary data relative to the start of the .RSC  
-file's DATA section.| 
-|HeaderSize|''​%%0x30%%''​|4|long|Size,​ in bytes, of the sound file's header section, located inside the resource'​s binary data payload ​ 
-within the .RSC file's DATA section.\\ \\  **NOTE:** The length (in bytes) of the sound resource'​s actual payload within the .RSC  
-file's DATA section can be found by looking at the integer value occupying the 4 bytes starting at this resource'​s .Offset+4 in the  
-.RSC file's DATA section itself. You need to add 8 to that value to get the total embedded .WAV file size, in bytes, starting at the  
-.Offset itself. \\ \\ **Example:​** \\ if the sound resource'​s Offset was set to ''​%%0x00%%'',​ you would seek to location ''​%%0x04%%'' ​ 
-(Offset+4) in the .RSC file's DATA section, then read the next 4 bytes into a "​long"​ integer. ​ Add 8 to the value of that integer, ​ 
-and that's the number of bytes, starting at this resource'​s .Offset relative to the start of the .RSC file's DATA section, that make  
-up the entire .WAV file binary for this resource.| 
-=== ADDITIONAL FIELDS FOR   ​RESOURCE TYPE = 0x66 (Flat [i.e. binary] resource) === 
-**TOTAL RECORD LENGTH:** (including the ResourceType and ResourceID fields): 44 bytes 
-^Field Name^Offset (Hex)^Length (Bytes)^Data Type^Description^ 
-|Offset|''​%%0x24%%''​|4|long|Byte offset of the flat resource'​s binary data relative to the start of the corresponding .RSC file'​s ​ 
-DATA section| 
-|Size|''​%%0x28%%''​|4|long|Size,​ in bytes, of the flat resource'​s contents| 
-===== .RSC file format ===== 
-^Field Name^Offset (Hex)^Length (Bytes)^Data Type^Description^ 
-|Size|''​%%0x00%%''​|4|long|The size (in bytes) of the data section in this .RSC file (i.e. the file length minus the header length)| 
-|Version|''​%%0x04%%''​|4|long|The version number of the file format being used for this .RSC file (must match the version number of  
-the corresponding .IDX file)\\ example: ''​%%0x023fc8dd%%''​| 
-Immediately following the HEADER section in the .RSC file, comes the DATA section. ​ The DATA section extends from absolute offset ​ 
-''​%%0x08%%''​ in the .RSC file, to the end of the file.  Individual records can be extracted from the .RSC file by first parsing the  
-corresponding .IDX file in order to understand the types of resources that the .RSC file contains data for, as well as discovering ​ 
-those resources'​ locations and sizes within the .RSC file.  ​ 
-The .RSC file's DATA section begins at absolute offset ''​%%0x08%%''​ in the .RSC file, and extends to the end of the file. 
-**NOTE:** all values of all .Offset fields within indidivual records in the .IDX file, specify offsets **relative** to the **start** ​ 
-of the DATA section in the .RSC file.  For example, if the .IDX record specifies an offset of ''​%%0x00%%'',​ the actual data would be  
-located in the .RSC file starting at **absolute offset** = ''​%%0x08%%''​ (i.e., 0 bytes past the start of the DATA section, which  
-itself starts at **absolute offset**=''​%%0x08%%''​) 
falcon4/file_formats/rsc_idx_fileformat.txt ยท Last modified: 2009-02-07 07:02 (external edit)