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Campaign reinforcements

Reinforcements means that they are troops “hidden” until certain time period has passed when they become active and visible in the campaign engine.

How to add reinforcements unit

How to add reinforcements unit with TacEdit.

Just add unit normally as you would in any other case, then when you double click the unit to bring up Battalion window, click Unit Properties tab and you'll find slot called “Reinf”, this digit means time in hours since the campaign start until this unit becomes active. Then click the Unit Flags window open and tick “Inactive” on.

Now your unit remains hidden from campaign engine / user view until this activation time.

Reinf in TCL

In TacEdit TCL commands you have:

Reinf - reinforcement status

Which means when you issue “reinf x” command into a unit, the x value will be your reinf status hours.


Snake Man notes / TODO: if I add 0.5 does it mean 30 minutes, or does the hours digit only work in 1, 2, 3 etc numbers?

Also CCC wrote in this post the following: However, no promise the units can show up on time or later.. it seems up to campaign AI - if the AI decide you need Reinforcement, they will show up - if AI decide you don't need them - well.. no reinf.

So - it's quite tricky to balance the ground war powers - only some force level/ratio/situation can make campaign AI call for reinforcement.

IMHO if we can not set reinforcement units show up at a given time point, we can not make “simulated” amphibious landing. the alternative is placing marines at beachhead in the begining of war.

falcon4/campaign/reinforcements.1240650327.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009-04-25 09:05 (external edit)