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Using Inbuilt 3D-Editor For Terrain Making

ArmA 3 Terrain Editing

3D-editor-terrain making process from ArmA 2 to ArmA 3, which was basically very simple. At the current stage of ArmA 3, non ArmA 2-owners can use the 3D-Editor as well, yet it makes more sense if you plan to use ArmA 2 BIS or custom A2 addons like me…

a) Create a folder C:\Users\YOURNAMEHERE\Documents\Arma 3 Alpha\YOURNAME\missions\YOURMISSION.YOURISLAND\

b) In that folder, create an empty textfile named “mission.biedi”

c) In A3 root, create a shortcut from Arma3.exe by simply right clicking it

d) Rightclick the shortcut, add behind \arma3.exe: “C:\Users\YOURNAMEHERE\Documents\Arma 3 Alpha\YOURNAME\missions\YOURMISSION.YOURISLAND\mis sion.biedi” -nosplash PLUS -mod=@YOURMODFOLDER if you use A2 objects

Skip the next three steps if you DON'T have ARMA 2:

e) Put the ARMA 2 addon pbos you want (can be all) into A3 addon or modfolder

f) Put ZGM_VisO_EditorObjects_A3.pbo from my package into A3 addon or modfolder

g) Put UIFonts.pbo and ui.pbo into A3 addon or modfolder

h) Rename the shortcut to your liking, start it

i) When A3 is done loading, you are in the 2D map editing screen. Close any error messages, for map editing purposes they are not interesting atm.

j) Create a Center [F10], create a group [F2], create a unit [F1], Switch to 3D (you can stay in 2D but where is the use of that if you can go 3D)

k) Now you can place objects with [F5] like there is no tomorrow. Use WASDQY, ALT, SHIFT, RMB & MMB for moving around map, camera and objects. Note that if you dont have A2 or did not put ui.pbo into the modfolder, you can only manipulate objects in the center square limited by the “raw given UI” (note the selector circle turning red if pulled to the modification area) Full screen editing is only possible with A2 files (veterans will note the corresponding UI of A2 3D-editor in the next picture, which seems to override the yet rough A3 Alpha map-UI)

l) Go back to C:\Users\YOURNAMEHERE\Documents\Arma 3 Alpha\YOURNAME\missions\YOURMISSION.YOURISLAND\ folder

m) Enable Windows Powershell (Windows 764 process):

1. Click START button
6. Enter “Set-ExecutionPolicy unrestricted” (can do a copy & paste W/o q-marks)
8. When the question appears, press Y => Powerscript execution is enabled!

k) Now, put the file ZGM_VisO_biedi2csv.ps1 from my package into the folder and run it; a file called ZGM_VisO_biediEX.csv will be created:

j) In Visitor 3 and with your project island loaded, A2 users should load the template ZGM_VisO_A2VisitorTemplates.pew from my package, which is 1:1 corresponding to the addons you previously put into the A3 root/addon modfolder (also compatible with Shezans World Tools 1.8 from A2, which also works brilliantly with A3)

l) Use the import objects script from Visitor 3:

m) Open up Buldozer (I recommend using the A2 version, as the A3 version is not really ready and not needed for packing):

n) You are done!

Download: ZGM_Visitor_Objects_Library_v3.7z

How To Access ArmA 3 Alpha 3D Editor

Youtube - how to access ArmA 3 Alpha 3D Editor

a) Create a folder C:\Users\YOURNAMEHERE\Documents\Arma 3 Alpha\YOURNAME\missions\YOURMISSION.YOURISLAND\

b) In that folder, create an empty textfile named “mission.biedi”

c) In A3 root, create a shortcut from Arma3.exe by simply right clicking it

d) Rightclick the shortcut, add behind \arma3.exe: “C:\Users\YOURNAMEHERE\Documents\Arma 3 Alpha\YOURNAME\missions\YOURMISSION.YOURISLAND\mis sion.biedi” -nosplash (PLUS -mod=@YOURMODFOLDER if you use A2 objects)

h) Rename the shortcut to your liking, start it

There is no key combo anymore, you have to use the shortcut to directly access 3D-Ed.

arma3/terrain/zgm-using-3d-editor-for-terrain-making.1479200666.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016-11-15 09:04 (external edit)