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ArmA 3 Terrain Grid and Cell Sizes

This page is “modular” or “inheriting” so first you must read arma terrain grid and cell sizes page to know the background and other sizes than listed below.

What size is your terrain? How to describe it on forums / chats? What size are official bis terrains?

New capability in ArmA 3 is that it / terran builder now supports 8192 grid.

Grid Size Cell Size Kilometer x Kilometer Square Kilometer
8192 50 409.6 167772
8192 40 327.68 107374
8192 30 245.76 60398
8192 20 163.84 26843.5
8192 10 81.92 6710.89
8192 9 73.72 5435.82
8192 8 65.53 4294.97
8192 7 57.34 3288.33
8192 6 49.15 2415.92
8192 5 40.96 1677.72
8192 4 32.76 1073.74
8192 3 24.57 603.98
8192 2 16.38 268.43
8192 1 8.19 67.10
8192 0.5 4 16.77

We list square kilometer (km2) here just for reference, please do not use this measurement on forums etc when describing your terrain dimensions because the km x km is the standard we have used since 2001 OFP era. You can use all of these to explain your terrain size, but “km x km” or just “km” like “40km terrain” has to be the main focus to keep it simple.

Some terms for below table:
Satellite Tile is NOT satellite “texture”, it is the TILE to which satellite texture is chopped. These tiles can be found in Layers\ dir as *.paa files.
Texture Layer is internal WRP tech which is complicated to explain and basically is useless info in this pages context but we added it to be thorough.

Official bis terrain specifications

Terrain Grid Cell Satellite Tile Texture Layer Objects Kilometer x Kilometer Square Kilometer
Altis 4096 7.5 1024 30 1,779,908 30.72 943.71
Chernarus 2048 7.5 512 30 1,055,157 15.36 235.93
Desert_E 512 4 64 32 1,810 2 4.19
Provinggrounds 512 4 64 32 18,970 2 4.19
Shapur 512 4 64 32 8,291 2 4.19
Stratis 2048 4 256 32 163,953 8.19 67.10
Takistan 2048 6.25 256 50 438,906 12.8 163.84
Tanoa 4096 3.75 512 30 1,675,073 15.36 235.93
Utes 512 10 128 40 17,474 5.12 26.21
arma3/terrain/grid-cell-size.1484365938.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017-01-14 03:52 (external edit)