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ArmA 3 Large Terrain Limits

See arma2 large terrain limits as reference from arma2 era.

Kilometer Grid Size Cell Size Satellite Resolution Satellite Tile Size Texture Layer Size Object Count Result
20.4 1024 20 2048 512 80 2,068,000 Works great
20.4 1024 20 2048 512 80 3,308,000 Works great
20.4 1024 20 2048 512 80 4,136,000 Works great
20.4 1024 20 2048 512 80 5,376,000 Works great
20.4 1024 20 2048 512 80 6,204,000 Works great
40.9 2048 20 4096 512 80 6,697,000 Works great
40.9 2048 20 4096 512 80 7,535,000 binarize crashed :(
81.9 4096 20 4096 512 80 6,033,000 Works great
81.9 4096 20 4096 512 80 6,704,000 binarize crashed :(
20.4 1024 20 20480 1024 80 6,204,000 Works great
40.9 2048 20 20480 512 80 6,697,000 Works great
81.9 4096 20 20480 512 80 6,033,000 Works great
81.9 4096 20 40960 512 80 6,033,000 Works great
57.3 8192 7 8192 512 28 0 Works great
57.3 8192 7 20480 512 28 0 Works great
57.3 8192 7 40960 512 28 328,673 CTD: LandGrid reference exceeded the range [1023, 1023]

10-15-16 discord:

[4:53 AM] bludclot: you can fill your document with my info if you want
[4:53 AM] bludclot: prduces a wrp of 860.000 KB
[4:55 AM] bludclot: grid size 4096x4096
[4:55 AM] bludclot: cell size 10
[4:55 AM] bludclot: sat 20480
[4:55 AM] bludclot: tiles 512x512
[4:56 AM] bludclot: 8389683 objects
arma3/terrain/large-terrain-limits.1484367687.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/01/14 04:21 (external edit)

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