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This tool is intended to read performance relevant data like number of sections and vertices out of binarized p3d (ODOL) files.


RvmatExtractor.exe [Parameter]

Possible Parameters:
-i=	//specifies the input, which can be a p3d file or a directory containing p3d files
-s	//if this parameter is set and input is a directory, also sub directories are checked for p3d files
-o=	//specifies the path of the log file and is optional

If no parameters are given a dialog will appear where you can select a p3d file.

Requires .NET Framework 3.5 and Bis.dll - Check T_D tools homepage in Dev-Heaven.

arma2/tools/odolanalyzer.1279269367.txt.gz · Last modified: 2010-07-16 08:36 (external edit)