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Custom Keypoints and CfgLocationTypes

ArmA 2 Custom Keypoints and CfgLocationTypes Tutorial by Bushlurker.

Here's a quick guide on how to define & implement them on your terrain.

Main types of keypoints… broadly speaking, some are “Names”, some are “Symbols” (or a combination of both) and some are completely invisible, but serve some “Strategic” purpose - like “CityCenter” for example.

Let's make a simple custom symbol one which can be named or not as we like.

The first thing we'll need is a symbol to use… this one from Google Chat will do nicely.

Now we need to add a suitable keypoint type name to “keypoints.dat” - here's mine.


As you can see, I've named my map symbol suitably in my kptypes.dat file and dropped it back in my Visitor 3 install directory, ready to use…

Into Visitor 3, load a demo terrain and we're ready to place those new Steaming Pile indicators.


Here you can see I've placed a normal keypoint, and in its Properties Window I've defined a classname and chosen the Keypoint Type “SteamingPile” from the list.

If you really want to name your Steaming Piles individually and, lets face it, who doesn't… then you could type a “Display Name” at this stage too.

* At this point it's worth remembering how these keypoint definitions work in Visitor.

As you define these keypoints, they're stored in the .pew file - it's only when you're at the viewing-in-buldozer while saving the .wrp stage, that they're written to the “yourterrain.hpp” file, ready to be #included in your main config.

So the next stage is to open buldozer, view the terrain and save a .wrp file… At that stage you can have a peek in your “myterrain.hpp” file and you'll see the new keypoint definition… mine looks like this…

class SteamingPile_01
	name = "";
	position[] = { 3043.26, 2006.69 };
	type = "SteamingPile";
	radiusA = 100;
	radiusB = 100;

If you'd defined a name for your Pile then it would appear in the name = “”; section.

Now we need to tell the engine precisely what a SteamingPile is.

The default Location Types are defined in a config section called, unsurprisingly, “cfgLocationTypes”, so the next thing we need to do is add our definition to that.

We'll sneak a little “patch” section into our main terrain config… Here's the opening section of the demo terrain I used.

class CfgPatches
	class AfghanValley
		units[] = {"AfghanValley"};
		weapons[] = {};
		requiredVersion = 1.0;
		requiredAddons[] = {"Takistan"};
class CfgLocationTypes
	class SteamingPile
		name = "";
		drawStyle = "icon";
		texture = "Bush\AfghanValley\data\icons\steaming_pile_ca.paa";
		color[] = {};  //<--- uses icon colours or define RGB values in usual 0 > 1 format
		size = 32;
		shadow = 0;
		font = "Zeppelin33";   //<--- or try Zeppelin33italic
		textSize = 0.2;
class CfgWorlds
	class CAWorld;
	class Takistan: CAWorld
	...etc, etc, etc ......

Right here at the beginning of the main terrain config is fine - or, if you were planning on doing a lot of these, you could define them all externally in a “mykeypoints.hpp” and just #include it at this location to keep your main terrain config less cluttered.

Finally, as you can see from the definition above, I'll need to drop my icon file into a directory called “icons” in the “Data” directory of my terrain… that way the icon will be included at the binarizing stage and be available in-game to be used on the map.


Try to keep icon sizes small and square, preferably ^2 and as you can see from the “_ca” suffix, alpha channels work nicely.

Have fun!

arma2/terrain/custom-keypoints-cfglocationtypes.1478297278.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016-11-04 22:07 by snakeman