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Secondary Operations Module

Its what generates the little side missions in the campaign, but of course, if you run it on an empty map you essentially have a random mission generator. To use it, place the module then synchronize it with the player.

If you have played the campaign then you know what I'm referring to. What surprised me was that the SOM works for user created mission also. It dynamically creates mission and objectives and enemies depending on where you are on the map. To use it simply place it on the map and synchronize it to the player's squad. Simple yet tremendously fun

To create a civilian population, place a Location Module of your choice (City, Camp etc) in a town, then place a Civilian Ambient Module in the same town, synchronize the two GameLogic's, and voila; civilians will be created dynamically from houses in the area. They will even take jogs and talk to each other!

There is quite a lot you can configure for the SOM, including adding fully new SecOps. A random mission generator is exactly what the SOM is There will be more information soon, but some initial global settings:

You can override certain SOM settings by setting a “settings” variable in a SOM (do this during the first 2 seconds of a mission!). In this Array you can send the SOM your custom pool of SecOps for this mission, you can disable the standard H.Q. radio communications, you can set different callsigns and set an initial delay (default is 30 seconds). If you do not want to set all settings, you may pass nil for those that you wish to leave on their default values. A typical settings Array can look like this:

private ["_pool", "_hq", "_callsigns", "initialDelay", "_autoReinforce", "_settings"];
_pool =
_hq = false;
//Team text, team speech, H.Q. text, H.Q. speech.
_callsigns = ["Razor", ["Razor"], "Frostbite", ["Frostbite"]];
//Delay in seconds before starting random SecOps selection.
_initialDelay = 60;
//Should an automatic Reinforce be triggered when there are casualties?
//Default is true.
_autoReinforce = false;
_settings =
_som setVariable ["settings", _settings];

Is it possible to have a script or trigger running that once you had completed a certain amount of SOM missions, say 5?

Yes. The SecOps template (04: Combat) uses this concept. The SOM tracks completed / failed SecOps in an internal variable history (Array: Scalar | completed, Scalar | failed).

So let's say your SOM is myFirstSOM, you can make your trigger check for:

((myFirstSOM getVariable "history") select 0) == 5;
arma2/editor_modules/som.1244049995.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009/06/03 17:26 (external edit)

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