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Vehicle Damage Model

With DamageHide you can hide parts of the model when the it is destroyed. Just what I did with the BMD-1 2.0 addon. The only addon in which the texture swapping is currently working is BTR80 and the model can be opened with O2.

Armored_Sheep (BIS dev): New ArmA Damage visualisation by animating materials on surface is defined in config.cpp (class damage). Model must contain at least selection “zbytek” that will contain all faces that are animated. You can also use other selections bind in config.cpp in class Hit* as visual=. On top of that the selection must be defined as “section” in model.cfg.

Hiding animation bind to damage controler is also defined in model.cfg. Each animated part must be well configured in skeleton hierarchy.

arma/modeling/damage_model.1183547767.txt.gz · Last modified: 2007/07/10 09:52 (external edit)

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