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Cutscene Tutorial
You can and should use SQF for camera scripts also, like this:
// camera basic initialization _camera = "camera" camCreate [0,0,0]; _camera cameraEffect ["internal","back"]; []; execVM "PMC\PMC_ArmA_Default_Music.sqf"; // start _camera camPrepareFOV 0.700; _camera camCommitPrepared 0; waitUntil { camCommitted _camera; }; sleep 3; titleText ["", "plain down", 3];;; titleText ["", "plain down", 2]; titleCut ["", "black out", 3]; 3 fademusic 0; sleep 4; // Destroy the camera camDestroy _camera; // end the intro endcut = true;
Note that the above is just a example, its not working script in itself.
Making SP cutscene
Mission editor, choose Intro from the drop down.
Place soldier and make it player.
Place trigger, END#1 and put on condition line: endcut
On the mission / cutscene dir, make a script file called: movie.sqf
Place a gamelogic where you want to start your first camera run, and put on its init line this:
this exec "camera.sqs";
Preview mission and camera is activated on the gamelogic's position.
Now with the default ArmA key configuration settings you can move the camera by using mouse, A S D W Q and Z keys. Camera rotates from the keypad numbers 4 left, 6 right, 8 tilt down, 2 tilt up etc. Most importantly every time you press FIRE button on your mouse, a clipboard.txt file in ArmA profiles directory root is updated with the camera settings for this particular viewpoint.
Do all your camera viewpoint savings like this, when you are done, press either ESC → Abort, or V to exit camera and then ESC → Abort to abort the cutscene/mission.
Open the clipboard.txt file in your ArmA profiles dir, copy paste the contents into your movie.sqf file, perhaps it might look something likes this now:
// camera basic initialization _camera = "camera" camCreate [0,0,0]; _camera cameraEffect ["internal","back"]; [] execVM "PMC\PMC_ArmA_Default_Music.sqf"; // start _camera camPrepareTarget [-89221.44,12628.88,-17693.45]; _camera camPreparePos [8883.85,4817.06,2.84]; _camera camPrepareFOV 0.700; _camera camCommitPrepared 0; waitUntil { camCommitted _camera; }; sleep 3; titleText ["Special Forces are waiting on the shore for regular infantry to arrive.", "plain down", 3]; sleep 2; // pan 1 _camera camPrepareTarget [-41745.95,91052.38,309.53]; _camera camPreparePos [8883.85,4817.06,2.84]; _camera camCommitPrepared 10; waitUntil { camCommitted _camera; }; // pan 2 _camera camPrepareTarget [-41745.95,91052.38,309.75]; _camera camPreparePos [8883.85,4817.06,2.84]; _camera camPrepareFOV 0.120; _camera camCommitPrepared 10; waitUntil { camCommitted _camera; }; sleep 3; // pan other side start _camera camPrepareTarget [2127.08,-94323.03,-5927.63]; _camera camPreparePos [8662.31,5286.23,2.00]; _camera camPrepareFOV 0.700; _camera camCommitPrepared 0; waitUntil { camCommitted _camera; }; sleep 3; // pan 1 _camera camPrepareTarget [73720.75,-69923.09,-10517.73]; _camera camPreparePos [8662.31,5286.23,12.08]; _camera camCommitPrepared 10; waitUntil { camCommitted _camera; }; // pan 2 _camera camPrepareTarget [68009.46,-75128.52,-3350.77]; _camera camPreparePos [8662.31,5286.23,12.08]; _camera camPrepareFOV 0.233; _camera camCommitPrepared 10; waitUntil { camCommitted _camera; }; sleep 5; titleText ["", "plain down", 2]; titleCut ["", "black out", 3]; 3 fademusic 0; sleep 4; // Destroy the camera camDestroy _camera; // end the intro endcut = true;
Remember to save movie.sqf script file.
Now go back to the mission editor and to you player character, on its init line put
this = [] execVM "movie.sqf";
Preview mission and your finished cutscene :)