L3DT No Decimal Points

PMC Editing Wiki: Tools, L3DT

L3DT cannot do decimal cell sizes.

If you can avoid do not create terrain cell size with decimal points, like heightmap 4096 * cell size 7.25 etc. This only applies for Global Mapper, Wilbur etc created terrains.

While ArmA 3 cell sizes with decimal points work fine, you should still try to avoid them. Well try at least a bit, if you have a choice to create a new terrain it absolutely should be without decimal point cell size. Most bis terrains use decimal point cell sizes, again as said there is nothing wrong with that but L3DT wise… you get extra work because L3DT cannot do decimal point cell sizes.

Decimal Point Examples

L3DT cannot generate attribute / texture images using decimal point values in heightmap to image ratio. For example PMC 51km Desert is heightmap 4096 and cell size 12.5 meters, which L3DT cannot do, it does 12 and 13 but not the decimal point five.

L3DT generated satellite texture/mask sizes.

PMC 51km Desert 53248 x 53248 resolution image. Divided by four tiles comes to 13312 x 13312 resolution per tile.

51km desert
heightmap: 4096
cell 12.5

L3DT exports 53,248 res image with setting 13. This is 4×4 tiles 13312 res per tile.

VTE Gao Rung is 51.2km terrain, 4096 heightmap 12.5m cell size. Same as PMC 51km Desert above.

PMC Rattler and PMC Rugen 28672 x 28672 resolution image. Divided by two tiles comes to 14336 x 14336 resolution per tile.

rattler and rugen
heightmap: 4096
cell: 6.25

Mask AM/HF and Texture TX/HF ratio 7 gives 28672 x 28672 res. This is 2×2 tiles 14336 res per tile.