====== OFP Terrain / Islands ====== [[https://www.pmctactical.org/forum/viewforum.php?f=43|OFP Forum]], [[:ofp|OFP Home]], [[ofp:file_formats|OFP File Formats]], [[ofp:tools|OFP Tools]], [[ofp:missions|OFP Missions]], [[ofp:modeling|OFP 3D Modeling]], [[ofp:terrain|OFP Terrain]] **Operation Flashpoint (OFP)** aka ArmA: Cold War Assault (CWA) OFP terrains were in the early days called islands. Default bis terrains are all 50 meter cell size and 256 x 256 cells per terrain making them 12.8km x 12.8km in total size. OFP terrains are made out of WRP files, to edit WRP files get [[ofp:tools:wrptool|WrpTool]] which is hands down the best terrain editor available. [[ofp:terrain:texture_description|OFP Resistance texture descriptions]] explains what type of terrain each texture represents.