====== Campaign Files ====== Their descriptions and functions. We want to learn the functions of all the campaign files and describe them as through as possible so we gain greater understanding of the campaign and how it works. The following list is taken from [[falcon4:superpak|SuperPAK v4.2]] campaign/save/ directory. ====== Files ====== ===== atc.ini ===== **atc.ini** ===== attrit.pri ===== **attrit.pri** not used AFAIK AFAIK it "was" suppose to change to different priority according to how campaign goes, but wasn't done . ===== Auto Save.cam ===== **Auto Save.cam, .frc and .his** The default automatic saves of campaigns. These files should be deleted before new theater is released. ===== cas.pri ===== **cas.pri** not used AFAIK AFAIK it "was" suppose to change to different priority according to how campaign goes, but wasn't done . ===== DEFAULT.idx ===== **DEFAULT.idx** ===== DEFAULT.wch ===== **DEFAULT.wch** ===== Defense.pri ===== **Defense.pri** not used AFAIK AFAIK it "was" suppose to change to different priority according to how campaign goes, but wasn't done . ===== doctrine0.txt doctrine0 through 7 ===== **doctrine0.txt** doctrine0 through 7 ===== Element.b ===== **Element.b** ===== Element.db ===== **Element.db** ===== Element2.db ===== **Element2.db** ===== Emerganc.b ===== **Emerganc.b** ===== END.B ===== **END.B** ===== f0.ia f0 through f13 ===== **f0.ia f0 through f13** ===== Falcon4.AII ===== **Falcon4.AII** LongrangePlanMinTime – If the mission is longer than or equal to and the Time on Target is less than this value, the mission will be cancelled. LongrangePlanMaxTime – Not Used AircraftAssignmentRatio – Not Used MaxFlymissionThreat – This is used when the mission is not flagged in the Mission.dat as either High Threat or No Threat missions. MaxFlymissionHighThreat - This is used when the mission is flagged as a high threat mission in the mission.dat file MaxFlymissionNoThreat - This is used when the mission is flagged as a no threat mission in the mission.dat file. (Increasing this to 100 boosts up mission tasking). MinSeadescortThreat – When the target area’s threat value is worked out to be higher than this (looks at the min and max altitudes for the mission type), the ATO will add a SEAD Escort request to the package. MinAvoidThreat – When Falcon makes a mission, it checks the threat at the ingress and egress waypoints – if the threat is higher than this value, then the mission planner tries to create a waypoint around the threat (within the AirPathMax value). If it can not find a way around the mission is cancelled. MinAssemblyPtDist – The minimum distance from mission start that the Assembly point can be (In Km) BreakpointDist – The distance that the breakpoint should be from home plate. (In Km) TargetClearRadius - Not Used LoiterTurnDistance – The length of the loiter area for CAPS and other Patrol flights (In Km) SweepRadius – The distance that a sweep will take in. (In Km) MinimumBDAPriority – The minimum priority of target that a BDA flight will get assigned for MinimumAWACSDistance – The closest an AWACS will get to the FLOT (In Km) MaximumAWACSDistance – The furthest an AWACS will get from the FLOT (In Km) MinimumJSTARDistance – The closest a JSTARS a/c will get to the FLOT (In Km) MaximumJSTARDistance – The furthest a JSTARS a/c will get from the FLOT (In Km) MinimumTankerDistance – The closet a Tanker will get to the FLOT (In Km) MaximumTankerDistance – The furthest a Tanker will get from the FLOT (In Km) MinimumECMDistance – The closet an ECM flight will get to the FLOT (in Km) MaximumECMDistance - The furthest an ECM flight will get from the FLOT (in Km) FirstColonel – Sets the start of names for Colonels FirstCommander – sets the start of names for Commanders FirstWingman – sets the start of names for Wingman LastWingman – Sets the end of names for wingman MaxEscortAAStrength – Not Used BARCAPRequestInterval – The time between BARCAP Planning Requests OnCallFlightsPerRequest – The amount of On Call Flights per FAC mission AirTaskTime – Not Used AirPlanTime - Sets Average Sortie Rate = 60/AirPlanTime = Avg Sortie Rate. VictoryConditionTime – How often the victory conditions are checked in TE FlightMoveCheckInterval – How often the campaign checks the movement of flights. (in seconds) FlightCombatCheckInterval – How often the campaign checks combat between flights (in seconds) AirUpdateCheckInterval – How often the campaign checks the movement of squadrons/packages (in seconds) PackageCyclesToWait –sets how many cycles a mission will wait for Tankers and other support aircraft. AirPathMax - Max search range when trying to find a safe path between two waypoints. Limits the searching to this value MinimumIgnoreRange – The closest range where an aircraft is ignored. (in Km) MaxSARDistance – The furthest behind the FLOT that SAR can be undertaken. MaxBAIDistance - The furthest behind the FLOT that BAI can be undertaken. PilotAssignTime – The amount of time before T/O time that the pilot gets assigned to the mission. AircraftTurnaroundMinutes – How long after an aircraft has completed a mission before it is ready for use again. // NTM Inputs short MIN_TASK_NAVAL; // Retask time, in minutes short MIN_PLAN_NAVAL; // Replan time, in minutes short NAVAL_MOVE_CHECK_INTERVAL; // How often to check a task force for movement (in seconds) short NAVAL_COMBAT_CHECK_INTERVAL; // How often to fire naval units (in seconds) short NAVAL_COMBAT_RATE; // Amount of time between weapon shots (in seconds) // Other variables short LOW_ALTITUDE_CUTOFF; short MAX_GROUND_SEARCH; // How far to look for surface units or objectives short MAX_AIR_SEARCH; // How far to look for air threats short NEW_CLOUD_CHANCE; short DEL_CLOUD_CHANCE; short PLAYER_BUBBLE_MOVERS; // The # of objects we try to keep in player bubble short FALCON_PLAYER_TEAM; // What team the player starts on short CAMP_RESYNC_TIME; // How often to resync campaigns (in seconds) unsigned short BUBBLE_REBUILD_TIME; // How often to rebuild the player bubble (in seconds) short STANDARD_EVENT_LENGTH; // Length of stored event queues short PRIORITY_EVENT_LENGTH; short MIN_RECALCULATE_STATISTICS; // How often to do the unit statistics stuff float LOWAIR_RANGE_MODIFIER; // % of Air range to get LowAir range from short MINIMUM_STRENGTH; // Minimum strength points we'll bother appling with colateral damage short MAX_DAMAGE_TRIES; // Max # of times we'll attempt to find a random target vehicle/feature float REAGREGATION_RATIO; // Ratio over 1.0 which things will reaggregate at short MIN_REINFORCE_TIME; // Value, in minutes, of each reinforcement cycle float SIM_BUBBLE_SIZE; // Radius (in feet) of the Sim's campaign lists. short INITIATIVE_LEAK_PER_HOUR; // How much initiative is adjusted automatically per hour int StartOffBonusRepl; // Replacement bonus when a team goes offensive int StartOffBonusSup; // Supply Bonus when a team goes offensive int StartOffBonusFuel; // Fuel Bonus when a team goes offensive int ActionRate; // How often we can start a new action (in hours) int ActionTimeOut; // Maximum time an offensive action can last float DataRateModRepl; // Modification factor for production data rate for replacements float DataRateModSup; // Modification factor for production data rate for fuel and supply float RelSquadBonus; // Relative replacements of squadrons to ground units ===== FALCON4.RT ===== **FALCON4.RT** ===== FALCON4.TT ===== **FALCON4.TT** ===== FEATURE.B ===== **FEATURE.B** ===== FLEVENT.DB ===== **FLEVENT.DB** ===== Flight.db ===== **Flight.db** ===== FLIST.TXT ===== **FLIST.TXT** ===== FORDEND.DB ===== **FORDEND.DB** ===== FORDEVT.DB ===== **FORDEVT.DB** ===== FORDNCE.DB ===== **FORDNCE.DB** ===== FORDWEAP.DB ===== **FORDWEAP.DB** ===== Header.b ===== **Header.b** ===== header.db ===== **header.db** ===== Instant.cam ===== **Instant.cam** Instant action file, just the ground objects. No aircrafts or ground units. ===== Intdict.pri ===== **Intdict.pri** This is the primary file of the three that only works (intdict , defense, atrit , cas. pri AFAIK it "was" suppose to change to different priority according to how campaign goes, but wasn't done . ===== kneemap.gif ===== **kneemap.gif** 1024x1024 gif image of theater map. More details see [[falcon4:campaign:kneemap|Kneemap]] page. ===== .idx ===== **.idx** Index numbers list of all the theaters objective names. ===== .NAM ===== **.NAM** ===== .pak ===== **.pak** The [[falcon4:campaign:pak|PAK]] area image, seen on campaign when prioritizing the PAK areas. ===== .tc ===== **.tc** ===== .THR ===== **.THR** Created by [[falcon4:tools:theatermaker|PathMaker]] utility, it shows where the roads and features are. ===== .tm ===== **.tm** ===== .wch ===== **.wch** Strings of the objective names, use [[falcon4:tools:theatermaker|WitchFix]] to convert into readable text format. ===== Loadout.b ===== **Loadout.b** ===== LOADOUTH.B ===== **LOADOUTH.B** ===== m0.ia m0 through m4 ===== **m0.ia** m0 through m4 ===== mission.dat ===== **mission.dat** ===== MISSION.GBD ===== **MISSION.GBD** ===== NoSquad.b ===== **NoSquad.b** ===== OBJECTIV.B ===== **OBJECTIV.B** ===== OFFENSE.PRI ===== **OFFENSE.PRI** not used AFAIK AFAIK it “was” suppose to change to different priority according to how campaign goes, but wasn't done . ===== PackHead.b ===== **PackHead.b** ===== PElement.db ===== **PElement.db** ===== PHEADER.DB ===== **PHEADER.DB** ===== Pilot.db ===== **Pilot.db** ===== related.db ===== **related.db** ===== Results.db ===== **Results.db** ===== RoE.b ===== **RoE.b** ===== save0.cam ===== **save0.cam** Main campaign objectives, ground units, squadrons and misc datas file. **0** is the first campaign, ie top, considered to be thea easy one (but really depends on the file contents laid out by campaign creator, top most campaign slot don't necessarily mean its the most difficult one, but usuall is heh). ===== save0.tri ===== **save0.tri** Trigger file for first campaign, controls all kinds of campaign flow and the final objectives how to achieve a victory. ===== save1.cam / tri ===== **save1.cam / tri** Second campaign, ie middle. ===== save2.cam / tri ===== **save2.cam / tri** Third campaign, ie bottom. ===== SITUATE.B ===== **SITUATE.B** ===== SQUAD.B ===== **SQUAD.B** ===== stations.dat ===== **stations.dat** Controls the Tacan. For example: # Kimpo - ex Kimpo (Gimpo) 276 083 X 14 25 1 109.9 --------------------------- -#: Name of the airbase -276: CampID of the airbase (into Tacedit objectlist view) -083 X: TACAN channel -14:It is a sequential no. that you choose for each airbase and that is linked to the CampID via this file -25: TACAN Range (Nm) -1: Emmitter Type (always 1) -109.9: ILS frequency ===== STEERPT.B ===== **STEERPT.B** ===== STEERPTH.B ===== **STEERPTH.B** ===== Strings.idx ===== **Strings.idx** Index list for the campaign strings. ===== Strings.wch ===== **Strings.wch** Campaign strings, when using [[falcon4:tools:theatermaker|WitchFix]] to convert into text file, it can be edited to change Korea names to theater specific ones. ===== Support.b ===== **Support.b** ===== taceng.db ===== **taceng.db** ===== TASK.GBD ===== **TASK.GBD** ===== teplanes.lst ===== **teplanes.lst** List of all aircrafts and their ID's etc data. For TE only? ===== teunits.lst ===== **teunits.lst** ===== te_new.tac ===== **te_new.tac** The Tactical Engagement file. Can have only two teams. No ground forces are saved to this file, this is the master TE file. ===== THREAT.B ===== **THREAT.B** ===== Threats.b ===== **Threats.b** ===== tmp.frc ===== **tmp.frc** ===== tmp.his ===== **tmp.his** ===== validac.act ===== **validac.act** Aircrafts available in campaign (also TE?), add 8888 value and then they are available. ===== voicerange.dat ===== **voicerange.dat** ===== Weather.b ===== **Weather.b** ===== *.dfs ===== ***.dfs** Dogfight files?