====== Falcon 4 .WTH file ====== [[https://www.pmctactical.org/forum/viewforum.php?f=47|Falcon 4.0 Forum]], [[:falcon4|Falcon 4 Home]], [[falcon4:campaign|Falcon 4 Campaign]], [[falcon4:cockpits|Falcon 4 Cockpits]], [[falcon4:database|Falcon 4 Database]], [[falcon4:file_formats|Falcon 4 File Formats]], [[falcon4:srtm|Falcon 4 SRTM Terrain]], [[falcon4:terrain|Falcon 4 Terrain]], [[falcon4:textures|Falcon 4 Textures]], [[falcon4:tools|Falcon 4 Tools]] The .WTH file holds information about the weather conditions. This includes things such as the current temperature, wind speed and direction and cloud cover. ===== .WTH File Format ===== ^Field^Data Type^Width (in bytes)^Description^Versions^ |WindHeading|single-precision 32-bit floating point|4 | |All| |WindSpeed|single-precision 32-bit floating point|4 | |All| |LastCheck|unsigned 32-bit integer|4 | |All| |Temp|single-precision 32-bit floating point|4 | |All| |TodaysTemp|byte|1 | |All| |TodaysWind|byte|1 | |All| |TodaysBase|byte|1 | |All| |TodaysConLow|byte|1 | |>=27| |TodaysConHigh|byte|1 | |>=27| |xOffset|single-precision 32-bit floating point|4 | |All| |yOffset|single-precision 32-bit floating point|4 | |All| |nw|unsigned 32-bit integer|4 | |All| |nh|unsigned 32-bit integer|4 | |All| |cellState[]|CellState[nw*nh]|(2*nw*nh) bytes | |All| ===== Structures Used ===== ==== CellState structure ==== ^Field^Data Type^Width (in bytes)^Description^Versions^ |BaseAltitude|byte|1 | |All| |Type|byte|1 | |All|