====== Falcon 4 .EVT file ====== [[https://www.pmctactical.org/forum/viewforum.php?f=47|Falcon 4.0 Forum]], [[:falcon4|Falcon 4 Home]], [[falcon4:campaign|Falcon 4 Campaign]], [[falcon4:cockpits|Falcon 4 Cockpits]], [[falcon4:database|Falcon 4 Database]], [[falcon4:file_formats|Falcon 4 File Formats]], [[falcon4:srtm|Falcon 4 SRTM Terrain]], [[falcon4:terrain|Falcon 4 Terrain]], [[falcon4:textures|Falcon 4 Textures]], [[falcon4:tools|Falcon 4 Tools]] The .EVT file is one of the files embedded within a .CAM/.TRN/.TAC file. The .EVT file holds some history of events that happen in the campaign. It is closely related to the associated trigger file (.TRI file, which is not contained in the .CAM/.TRN/.TAC file), recording which events have happened. Unlike some other embedded files, it is not compressed. ===== .EVT file format ===== ^Field^Data Type^Width (in bytes)^Description^Versions^ |numEvents|Signed 16-bit integer|2| |All| |campEvents[]|CampEvent[numEvents]| (4 * numEvents) bytes | |All| ===== Structures used ===== ==== CampEvent structure==== ^Field^Data Type^Width (in bytes)^Description^Versions^ |id|Signed 16-bit integer|2| |All| |flags|Signed 16-bit integer|2| |All|