====== ArmA 3 Debug Teleport ====== [[:arma3|ArmA 3]], [[arma3:config|Config]], [[arma3:missions|Missions]], [[arma3:modeling|3D Modeling]], [[arma3:scripting|Scripting]], [[arma3:terrain|Terrain]], [[arma3:texturing|Texturing]], [[arma3:tools|Tools]] No not to cheat! But to help debug missions when you need to travel from A to B just to check something out, no reason to drive or walk when you can click a map to get there, its called **developing** ;) If you are debug testing in mission editor, you will teleport automatically with ALT-LMB mapview click. This will of course leave behind any possible AI group members you have, then they start annoyingly call "where are you". ====== ArmA 3 CfgCommunicationMenu Teleport ====== **2021-08-04** description.ext: class CfgCommunicationMenu { class PMC_DebugTeleport { text = "PMC_DebugTeleport"; submenu = ""; expression = "_this execVM 'PMC\PMC_DebugTeleport.sqf';"; icon = ""; cursor = ""; enable = "1"; removeAfterExpressionCall = 0; }; }; init.sqf: 0 = [player, "PMC_DebugTeleport", nil, nil, ""] call BIS_fnc_addCommMenuItem; PMC_DebugTeleport.sqf: onMapSingleClick "player setPos _pos; onMapSingleClick ''; true;";