====== Steam Subscription ====== **Steam Sucks, only losers use it.** You cannot download missions from steam workshit unless you subscribe, ie register and login there. Stupid as hell to download simple mission. You could try to use [[http://steamworkshopdownloader.com]] but its not guaranteed to work on every download. When you subscribe to a mission, steam client / ArmA 3(?) creates SteamPreviewCache\ directory in your profiles dir, it places preview image of the mission there (assuming, if one is available). At in-game arma3 the mission is available from Scenarios -> Subscriptions. When you select the mission there and click PLAY, then the mission is downloaded. At hard disk the mission is placed in your **profiles \Users\YOURNAME\Saved\steam\** directory. Do not upload your missions to steam workshop, only release missions properly like we have always done.