====== Eden Editor Object Preview Images ====== **HOWTO create terrain object preview images for eden mission editor.** Turn all settings to ULTRA except PPAA and Bloom disabled. You do **not** have to disable -profiles= dir as bis wiki wrongly suggests. Add into .Arma3Profile: HDRPrecision=16; maxScreenShotFolderSizeMB = 20000; Then run eden editor and make like init.sqf or any way you want this command: 0 = [nil,"all",[],[],["pmc_opx_buildings_cfg"]] spawn BIS_fnc_exportEditorPreviews; That "pmc_opx_buildings_cfg" is the addon class name where your objects are located. Resize all images to 455x256 and save them in JPG format using GraphicsMagick: @echo off md temp for /F "tokens=1* delims=. " %%A in ('dir /b *.png') do ( gm convert %%A.png -resize 455x256 temp\%%A.jpg ) rem move stuff to current dir and clean out temp dir. move temp\*.jpg . rd temp del *.png dir /b *.jpg >_list_of_jpgs.txt pause exit Create MyAddon\Data\EditorPreviews\ directory and move the JPG's there. Write config like this: editorPreview = "\myaddon\data\editorpreviews\land_model_name.jpg";