====== ArmA 3 Terrain Builder ====== [[https://www.pmctactical.org/forum/viewforum.php?f=68|ArmA 3 Forum]], [[:arma3|ArmA 3]], [[arma3:config|ArmA 3 Config]], [[arma3:missions|ArmA 3 Missions]], [[arma3:modeling|ArmA 3 3D Modeling]], [[arma3:scripting|ArmA 3 Scripting]], [[arma3:terrain|ArmA 3 Terrain]], [[arma3:texturing|ArmA 3 Texturing]], [[arma3:tools|ArmA 3 Tools]] [[arma3:terrain:terrain-builder|ArmA 3 Terrain Builder]], [[https://www.pmctactical.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=70&t=23005|ArmA 3 Terrain Builder Support Forum]] ====== Heightmap Size 8192 x 8192 ====== **ArmA 3 Terrain Builder 8192 x 8192 Grid Heightmap** We have had various results creating 8192 heightmap Terrain Builder project. Sometimes terrain builder freezes just after creating the project, sometimes you can get it done in one go, it seems to vary according to terrain builders mood and other voodoo magic :) Here is few tips from our experiences. [[:tools:wilbur|Wilbur]] lat/lon heightmap txt format did not import, terrain builder got stuck at the initial importing phase. It did not freeze, but was just sitting there 0% CPU use and nothing happened for long time. When you create [[tools:l3dt|L3DT]] exported ASCII Grid ASC file, it imports fine. This guide assumes you know your way around terrain builder and you have [[arma3:terrain:ultimate-terrain-tutorial|created at least one terrain]]. - create empty project, use default 512 grid, setup layers.cfg etc basic stuff - save and exit terrain builder (yes, I know, voodoo magic) - reload project, change grid to 8192 and rebuild terrain - import heightmap - rebuild terrain, notice there are some stutter after you have imported and rebuild terrain, dont panic. - import mask - import texture - generate layers - convert layers png to paa - binarize Its very voodoo magic like said, these steps might be totally unnecessary for you or maybe they are the key how you can create 8192 x 8192 heightmap size project, who knows. When you are working with 8192 heightmap project **save often**, trust me terrain builder is very eager to freeze with this amount of data, especially when you bring in high resolution satellite images. Saving often saves (no pun intended) you so much time. If you have further information about working with 8192 x 8192 grid heightmap terrains please post to [[https://www.pmctactical.org/forum/viewforum.php?f=68|ArmA 3 Forum]] and share what you have learned.