====== ArmA 3 Terrain Tanoa Sounds ======
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**Tanoa Environmental Sounds** by kju
Brief overview on new audio tech for terrain objects (thanks to Pennyworth for the assistance).
1. one can define one or more named selections in memory LOD of a model
2. probably works for any terrain object - so not limited to vegetation (trees, bushes)
3. the way it works the game looks for the name in CfgEnvSpatialSounds (subclass to EnvSounds in cfgWorlds terrain class - so can be/is terrain specific)
4. one assign multiple soundSets to the memory
class sound_shrub_smallleaves_1
memPoint = "sound_shrub_smallleaves_1";
soundSets[] =
5. the soundSet is assigns soundShaders (and various advanced sound parameters)
class Rain_PlantA_Medium_SoundSet
soundShaders[] =
volumeFactor = 1;
frequencyFactor = 0.6;
spatial = 1;
doppler = 0;
loop = 1;
volumeCurve = "InverseSquare1Curve";
sound3DProcessingType = "PLant3DProcessingType";
6. finally the soundShader has parameters to define under what conditions the sound is to be played (range + volume parameters)
class Rain_PlantA_Medium_SoundShader
samples[] =
volume = "raindrops * raindrops * (rain factor[0.4,0.6])*(rain factor[0.9,0.7]) * 1.5";
range = 12;
What Tanoa uses: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23881806/ //Edit: 2024-07-02 this link is dead.//
All related [[http://paste.ubuntu.com/23881843/|soundSets]] and [[http://paste.ubuntu.com/23881866/|soundShaders]] //Edit: 2024-07-02 these links are dead.//
One can do with this things like rain, animals (insects, birds), wind related sounds, snow related sounds, water spring, church, clock, radio, buzzing, etc.