====== BPW World File Storage ====== [[https://www.pmctactical.org/forum/viewforum.php?f=68|ArmA 3 Forum]], [[:arma3|ArmA 3]], [[arma3:config|ArmA 3 Config]], [[arma3:missions|ArmA 3 Missions]], [[arma3:modeling|ArmA 3 3D Modeling]], [[arma3:scripting|ArmA 3 Scripting]], [[arma3:terrain|ArmA 3 Terrain]], [[arma3:texturing|ArmA 3 Texturing]], [[arma3:tools|ArmA 3 Tools]] Main page for [[arma3:terrain:pgw-world-file|ArmA 3 Terrain: PGW World File]]. Please note that "BPW World File Storage" page is highly customized PMC related notes page, this is not meant for beginners, if you are beginner ie newbie to ArmA 3 editing, please check out other beginner oriented tutorials first from [[arma3:terrain|ArmA 3 Terrain]] namespace. **2020-11-11** All ready to use BPW files are in D:\ArmA3.edit.terrain\Satellite.Tile.BPW.files\ dir. Would you like to have access for my library of BPW world files? Then post about them in PMC [[https://www.pmctactical.org/forum/viewforum.php?f=70|ArmA 3 Editing Forum]]. _run_copy_BPW_4x4_40k_1m_px_files_here.bat copy D:\ArmA3.edit.terrain\Satellite.Tile.BPW.files\4x4.40k.1m.px\*.bpw . pause exit Done: 4x4.20k.1m.px 4x4.40k.1m.px 4x4.71k.2m.px (too many to list, heh) 8x8.65k.1m.px (taiwan penghu) 8x8.81k.1m.px (afghanistan asadabad, poland suwalki, libya misrata, taiwan, yemen, etc) 8x8.143k.1m.px (libya benghazi) 8x8.204k.2m.px (mongolia) Done but needs testing if these are working: 2x2.25k.1m.px (rattler and rugen) 4x4.51k.1m.px (51km desert) 4x4.61k.1m.px (vte l3dt generated) 4x4.65k.1m.px (poland krynki) PMCTODO [[arma3:terrain:import-satellite-in-smaller-tiles#tile_example_values|Import Satellite In Smaller Tiles, tile example values]] :( 4x4.40k.2m.px (iraq mosul, najaf, samawah, tal afar, korea, ukraine) <- no more 2m/px shit 4x4.51k.2m.px (none?) <- no more 2m/px shit 4x4.57k.1m.px (florida key west) 4x4.61k.1m.px (vte l3dt generated) 8x8.81k.2m.px (egypt suez) 8x8.102k.2m.px (iran hormuz, somalia bosaso) 8x8.163k.1m.px (iran jahrom) 8x8.204k.1m.px (none?) 4x4.?k.1m.px (greece agios efstratios 12km) 4x4.?k.1m.px (greece lemnos 36km) .BPW first coord is easting, second coord is northing. easting needs +1, northing needs -1 to the coordinate, no idea why. also keep in mind that my very first attempt was from global mapper captured text and it was +0.5 and -0.5 huh. Mongolia then did not use 0.5 hehe ====== Notes ====== A1 200001,143359 A2 235841,143359 A3 271681,143359 A4 307521,143359 B row 107519 PMC 51km Desert 4 x 4; 12800 res tiles, 51200 res satellite. A1 200000,51199 A2 212800,51199 A3 225600,51199 A4 238400,51199 B row 38399 C row 25599 D row 12799 PMC Rattler and Rugen 4 x 4; 6400 res tiles, 25600 res satellite. PMC Rattler and Rugen 2 x 2; 12800 res tiles, 25600 res satellite. A1 200000,25599 A2 212800,25599 B row 12799 4x4.61k.1m.px (VTE L3DT generated). 15360 tile size. A1 200000,61439 A2 215360,61439 A3 230720,61439 A4 246080,61439 B row 46079 C row 30719 D row 15359 143360 res satellite in 17920 res tiles 8x8.143k.1m.px (libya benghazi) A1 200000,143359 A2 217920,143359 A3 235840,143359 A4 253760,143359 A5 271680,143359 A6 289600,143359 A7 307520,143359 A8 325440,143359 B row 125439 C row 107519 D row 89599 E row 71679 F row 53759 G row 35839 H row 17919 mongolia 8x8.204k.2m.px (mongolia) 409,600 terrain size 204,800 2m/px satellite res 25,600 satellite tile physical image res (with 2m/px comes to 51,200) A1 200001,409599 A2 251201 A3 302401 A4 353601 A5 404801 A6 456001 A7 507201 A8 558401 B row 358399 C row 307199 D row 255999 E row 204799 F row 153599 G row 102399 H row 51199 ====== Calculate Formula ====== Howto create new BPW files, the formula to calculate tile coordinates. This example uses 40,960 resolution satellite in 4 x 4 tiles. A1 200000.5 40959.5 A2 210240.5 40959.5 A3 220480.5 40959.5 A4 230720.5 40959.5 Calculate like: first coord is tile res incrementally starting from A1. Second coord is always the same for CHARACTER like A, B, C or D series of files. Second coord is satellite res for A series, and 30719.5 for B series, coming down tile res on each character. 2 x 2 example of satellite res 28672 and tile res 14336. A1 200000.5 / 28671.5 A2 214335.5 / 28671.5 B1 200000.5 / 14335.5 B2 214335.5 / 14335.5 ====== Mask to Tex Batch File Copying ====== Satellite Mask and Satellite Texture BPW tile files are identical, so you should first create working set for mask and then just copy Sat_Mask_??.bpw files over to Sat_Tex_??.bpw and its done. _run_copy_BPW_8x8_Sat_Mask_over_Sat_Tex.bat @echo off echo Danger, this will overwrite your Sat_Tex_??.bpw files! echo CTRL-C to abort or pause copy Sat_Mask_A1.bpw Sat_Tex_A1.bpw copy Sat_Mask_A2.bpw Sat_Tex_A2.bpw copy Sat_Mask_A3.bpw Sat_Tex_A3.bpw copy Sat_Mask_A4.bpw Sat_Tex_A4.bpw copy Sat_Mask_A5.bpw Sat_Tex_A5.bpw copy Sat_Mask_A6.bpw Sat_Tex_A6.bpw copy Sat_Mask_A7.bpw Sat_Tex_A7.bpw copy Sat_Mask_A8.bpw Sat_Tex_A8.bpw copy Sat_Mask_B1.bpw Sat_Tex_B1.bpw copy Sat_Mask_B2.bpw Sat_Tex_B2.bpw copy Sat_Mask_B3.bpw Sat_Tex_B3.bpw copy Sat_Mask_B4.bpw Sat_Tex_B4.bpw copy Sat_Mask_B5.bpw Sat_Tex_B5.bpw copy Sat_Mask_B6.bpw Sat_Tex_B6.bpw copy Sat_Mask_B7.bpw Sat_Tex_B7.bpw copy Sat_Mask_B8.bpw Sat_Tex_B8.bpw copy Sat_Mask_C1.bpw Sat_Tex_C1.bpw copy Sat_Mask_C2.bpw Sat_Tex_C2.bpw copy Sat_Mask_C3.bpw Sat_Tex_C3.bpw copy Sat_Mask_C4.bpw Sat_Tex_C4.bpw copy Sat_Mask_C5.bpw Sat_Tex_C5.bpw copy Sat_Mask_C6.bpw Sat_Tex_C6.bpw copy Sat_Mask_C7.bpw Sat_Tex_C7.bpw copy Sat_Mask_C8.bpw Sat_Tex_C8.bpw copy Sat_Mask_D1.bpw Sat_Tex_D1.bpw copy Sat_Mask_D2.bpw Sat_Tex_D2.bpw copy Sat_Mask_D3.bpw Sat_Tex_D3.bpw copy Sat_Mask_D4.bpw Sat_Tex_D4.bpw copy Sat_Mask_D5.bpw Sat_Tex_D5.bpw copy Sat_Mask_D6.bpw Sat_Tex_D6.bpw copy Sat_Mask_D7.bpw Sat_Tex_D7.bpw copy Sat_Mask_D8.bpw Sat_Tex_D8.bpw copy Sat_Mask_E1.bpw Sat_Tex_E1.bpw copy Sat_Mask_E2.bpw Sat_Tex_E2.bpw copy Sat_Mask_E3.bpw Sat_Tex_E3.bpw copy Sat_Mask_E4.bpw Sat_Tex_E4.bpw copy Sat_Mask_E5.bpw Sat_Tex_E5.bpw copy Sat_Mask_E6.bpw Sat_Tex_E6.bpw copy Sat_Mask_E7.bpw Sat_Tex_E7.bpw copy Sat_Mask_E8.bpw Sat_Tex_E8.bpw copy Sat_Mask_F1.bpw Sat_Tex_F1.bpw copy Sat_Mask_F2.bpw Sat_Tex_F2.bpw copy Sat_Mask_F3.bpw Sat_Tex_F3.bpw copy Sat_Mask_F4.bpw Sat_Tex_F4.bpw copy Sat_Mask_F5.bpw Sat_Tex_F5.bpw copy Sat_Mask_F6.bpw Sat_Tex_F6.bpw copy Sat_Mask_F7.bpw Sat_Tex_F7.bpw copy Sat_Mask_F8.bpw Sat_Tex_F8.bpw copy Sat_Mask_G1.bpw Sat_Tex_G1.bpw copy Sat_Mask_G2.bpw Sat_Tex_G2.bpw copy Sat_Mask_G3.bpw Sat_Tex_G3.bpw copy Sat_Mask_G4.bpw Sat_Tex_G4.bpw copy Sat_Mask_G5.bpw Sat_Tex_G5.bpw copy Sat_Mask_G6.bpw Sat_Tex_G6.bpw copy Sat_Mask_G7.bpw Sat_Tex_G7.bpw copy Sat_Mask_G8.bpw Sat_Tex_G8.bpw copy Sat_Mask_H1.bpw Sat_Tex_H1.bpw copy Sat_Mask_H2.bpw Sat_Tex_H2.bpw copy Sat_Mask_H3.bpw Sat_Tex_H3.bpw copy Sat_Mask_H4.bpw Sat_Tex_H4.bpw copy Sat_Mask_H5.bpw Sat_Tex_H5.bpw copy Sat_Mask_H6.bpw Sat_Tex_H6.bpw copy Sat_Mask_H7.bpw Sat_Tex_H7.bpw copy Sat_Mask_H8.bpw Sat_Tex_H8.bpw pause exit ====== Delete BPW and Backup PGWs ====== BPW files can be deleted because I have a master source directory for them, PGW files are valuable just in case if I want to import tiles back to global mapper in their correct GEO locations, so I'll backup PGWs but delete BPWs. _run_delete_BPW_and_backup_PGW_files.bat @echo off call d:\backups\_run_date_time.bat 7za a -mx=9 PGW_World_Files_%PMCUTC%.7z sat*.pgw del *.pgw del *.bpw pause exit