====== ArmA 3 Set Players Group To Position ====== [[https://www.pmctactical.org/forum/viewforum.php?f=68|ArmA 3 Forum]], [[:arma3|ArmA 3]], [[arma3:config|ArmA 3 Config]], [[arma3:missions|ArmA 3 Missions]], [[arma3:modeling|ArmA 3 3D Modeling]], [[arma3:scripting|ArmA 3 Scripting]], [[arma3:terrain|ArmA 3 Terrain]], [[arma3:texturing|ArmA 3 Texturing]], [[arma3:tools|ArmA 3 Tools]] 2022-06-19T03:11:00Z Generate random location first, then use scripts/PMC/PMC_FormationPosition.sqf script to set player AND his group there all nicely in formation (no ugly stacking). PMCTODO This script is located in pmc_livonia_ninjas/m001.pmc_rattler/PMC/ dir for now, dunno where it is later if you forgot to update this page ;) PMC/PMC_FormationPosition.sqf: //https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/formationPosition // Reposition entire group to a new position (ground level) private _group = group player; private _leader = leader _group; // set the leader to the spawn position _leader setPosATL (_this select 0); // Reposition all units of the group except the leader { private _formationPos = formationPosition _x; _formationPos set [2, 0]; _x setPosATL _formationPos; } forEach (units _group - [_leader]);