====== ResLodRemover ====== This tool is able to remove resolution LODs from binarized p3ds (ODOL) of ArmA and ArmA 2. It was created to help kju creating his PROPER vegetation pack and is now released to public with some adaptions. Syntax: ResLodRemover.exe src dst keepLods keepFirstLODs src - path to binarized source p3d dst - destination path keepLods - integer declaring how many of the last resolution LODs shall be kept keepFirstLODs - integer declaring how many of the first resolution LODs shall be kept Examples: "ResLodRemover.exe model.p3d reduced_model.p3d 2 1" Assuming that model.p3d has 5 resolution LODs the above call would create a reduced_model.p3d with 3 resolution LODs: * the 2 last ones * and the first one from model.cfg If model.p3d only has 3 or less resolution LODs the above call would not produce a reduced_model.p3d because no LOD could be removed. If you want to create a p3d that only has the first resolution LOD a call would look like this: "ResLodRemover.exe model.p3d reduced_model.p3d 0 1" If you are just interested in the count of resolution LODs of model.p3d you can call it like this: "ResLodRemover.exe model.p3d reduced_model.p3d 99 99" Requires .NET Framework 3.5 and Bis.dll - Check [[http://dev-heaven.net/projects/tdt|T_D tools homepage]] in Dev-Heaven.