====== isRap ====== isRap can be used (using the accompanying batch files) to check entire folder(s) for the presence of binarised (rap) files. When creating terrains eg for ArmA, the BIS tools scream if they encounter a binarised rvmat file. No entry 'C:\Tools\BinMake\binarize\bin\config.cpp/RscDisplayLoading/Variants/Loading_East1.idd'. You can quickly check your folder(s) to detect if you have any. Usage\\ **CheckRapsPause.bat** @echo off set location=p:tools\checkraps call %location%\CheckRaps.bat %1 pause **CheckRaps.bat** @echo off if "%1"=="" goto err if not exist %1 goto err dir /aD-h /b %1 >%1dirs.txt FOR /F "tokens=1* delims=, " %%A in (%1dirs.txt) do ( call %location%\CheckRaps.bat %1\%%A ) dir /b /a:-h %1\*.* >%1dirs.txt FOR /F "tokens=1* delims=, " %%A in (%1dirs.txt) do ( %location%\israp %1\%%A if not ERRORLEVEL 1 echo %1\%%A ) del %1dirs.txt goto end :err echo no folder pause :end Use the bat files, change the location= to where you (finally) install this package. Israp.exe returns 0 if file is rapified. Note that you can drag and drop a folder onto the bat file. Requires DePbo.dll - Check [[http://dev.withsix.com/projects/mikero-pbodll/files|Mikero tools homepage]] in Dev-Heaven.