====== ArmA 2 RvmatExtractor ====== [[https://www.pmctactical.org/forum/viewforum.php?f=50|ArmA 2 Forum]], [[:arma2|ArmA 2 Home]], [[arma2:config|ArmA 2 Config]], [[arma2:file_formats|ArmA 2 File Formats]], [[arma2:missions|ArmA 2 Missions]], [[arma2:modeling|ArmA 2 3D Modeling]], [[arma2:scripting|ArmA 2 Scripting]], [[arma2:terrain|ArmA 2 Terrain]], [[arma2:texturing|ArmA 2 Texturing]], [[arma2:tools|ArmA 2 Tools]] This tool extracts material files that are embedded in a binarized p3d (ODOL). Syntax RvmatExtractor.exe [srcP3d] srcP3d - path to source p3d If no srcP3d is given a dialog will appear where you can select a model file. Requires .NET Framework 3.5 and Bis.dll - Check [[http://dev-heaven.net/projects/tdt|T_D tools homepage]] in Dev-Heaven.