====== ArmA 1 Visitor 3 ComRef ====== [[https://www.pmctactical.org/forum/viewforum.php?f=42|ArmA 1 Forum]], [[:arma|ArmA 1 Home]], [[arma:config|ArmA 1 Config]], [[arma:tools|ArmA 1 Tools]], [[arma:file_formats|ArmA 1 File Formats]], [[arma:missions|ArmA 1 Missions]], [[arma:modeling|ArmA 1 3D Modeling]], [[arma:terrain|ArmA 1 Terrain]], [[arma:texturing|ArmA 1 Texturing]], [[arma:scripting|ArmA 1 Scripting]] **ArmA 1** aka Armed Assault (ArmA) Visitor Command Reference (comref) ["n:getactivedoc"] ["u:getterrainsize Document"] ["u:deselectobjects Document"] ["b:ARRAY selectindoc Document","b:PosEdObject selectindoc Document","b:AreaObject selectindoc Document"] ["u:getselectedposedobjects Document"] ["u:getselectednets Document"] ["u:getselectedarea Document"] ["b:PosEdObject lock BOOL","b:Net lock BOOL"] ["b:AreaObject lockvertices BOOL","b:Document lockvertices ARRAY"] ["b:AreaObject locktextures BOOL"] ["b:Document getverticesunder AreaObject","u:getverticesunder PosEdObject","u:getverticesunder Net"] ["b:ARRAY setverticesto Document"] ["b:Document getlandheight ARRAY"] ["b:Object Template,Matrix transform ARRAY"] ["b:PosEdObject doesintersect Net","u:doesintersect PosEdObject"] ====== Templates ====== ["b:Document getobjecttemplates STRING"] - STRING = "natural" | "artificial" | "net" ["u:getartificialobjecttemplates Document"] ["u:getnatureobjecttemplates Document"] ["b:Document getobjectswithtemplate STRING"] ["u:getmodelfile Object Template,Matrix"] ["b:Object Template,Matrix setmodelfile STRING"] ["u:getname Object Template,Matrix","u:getname Texture Template"] ["b:Object Template,Matrix setname STRING"] ====== posedObject ====== ["b:Document createposedobject STRING"] ["u:delete PosEdObject"] ["b:PosEdObject setrelheight SCALAR"] ["u:getrelheight PosEdObject"] ["u:getzeropos PosEdObject"] ["u:getposedobjectcount Document"] ["b:Document getposedobject SCALAR"] ["u:isposedobjectiter Document"] ["u:nextposedobjectiter Document"] ["u:resetposedobjectiter Document"] ["u:getposedobjectiter Document"] ====== net ====== ["u:getnetcount Document"] ["b:Document getnet SCALAR"] ["u:getwalkpoints Net"] ["b:Net advancewalkpoint ARRAY"] ["u:isnetiter Document"] ["u:nextnetiter Document"] ["u:resetnetiter Document"] ["u:getnetiter Document"] ====== AreaObject ====== ["b:ARRAY ispointatarea AreaObject"] ["u:reset AreaObject"] ["u:newarea Document"] ["u:getboundingrect AreaObject"] ====== Texture ====== ["b:Document getprimtexture ARRAY"] ["b:Document getbasetexture ARRAY"] ["b:Document getlandtexture ARRAY"] ["u:getterrainname Texture Template"] ["u:getsurfacename Texture Template"] ["u:getbimpassfilename Texture Template"] ["u:getrvmatfilename Texture Template"] ["u:gettexturefilename Texture Template"] ====== List of Scripting Commands ====== ^ Command ^ Description ^ | | "t:SCALAR", t:BOOL", "t:ARRAY", "t:STRING", "t:NOTHING", "t:IF", "t:WHILE", "t:FOR", "t:SWITCH", "t:EXCEPTION", "t:Document", "t:PosEdObject", "t:AreaObject", "t:Net", "t:Object Template", "t:Texture Template", "t:IOStream", "t:Matrix" | | - | "b:SCALAR - SCALAR", "b:ARRAY - ARRAY", "u:- SCALAR" | | -- | "b:ARRAY -- ARRAY" | | -= | "b:AreaObject -= ARRAY" | | : | "b:SWITCH : STRING" | | ! | "u:! BOOL", "u:! IOStream" | | != | "b:SCALAR != SCALAR", "b:STRING != STRING" | | . | "b:ARRAY . ARRAY" | | @ | "b:ARRAY @ SCALAR", "b:STRING @ SCALAR", "b:ARRAY @ ARRAY", "b:STRING @ ARRAY" | | * | "b:SCALAR * SCALAR", "b:Object Template,Matrix * Object Template,Matrix", "b:ARRAY * SCALAR", "b:SCALAR * ARRAY" | | / | "b:SCALAR / SCALAR" | | && | "b:BOOL && BOOL" | | % | "b:SCALAR % SCALAR" | | + | "b:SCALAR + SCALAR", "b:STRING + STRING", "b:ARRAY + ARRAY", "u:+ SCALAR", "u:+ ARRAY" | | ++ | "b:ARRAY ++ ARRAY" | | += | "b:AreaObject += ARRAY" | | < | "b:SCALAR < SCALAR" | | << | "b:IOStream << STRING" | | <= | "b:SCALAR <= SCALAR" | | == | "b:SCALAR == SCALAR", "b:STRING == STRING" | | > | "b:SCALAR > SCALAR" | | >= | "b:SCALAR >= SCALAR" | | ~ | "u:~ SCALAR" | | abs | "u:abs SCALAR" | | acos | "u:acos SCALAR" | | advancewalkpoint | "b:Net advancewalkpoint ARRAY" | | and | "b:BOOL and BOOL" | | angle | "b:ARRAY angle ARRAY" | | asc | "u:asc STRING" | | asin | "u:asin SCALAR" | | assert | "u:assert BOOL" | | atan | "u:atan SCALAR" | | atan2 | "b:SCALAR atan2 SCALAR" | | atg | "u:atg SCALAR" | | backupfile | "u:backupfile STRING" | | breakout | "u:breakout STRING" | | breakto | "u:breakto STRING" | | call | "b:ANY call STRING", "u:call STRING" | | case | "u:case ANY" | | catch | "b:EXCEPTION catch STRING" | | ceil | "u:ceil SCALAR" | | cesc | "u:cesc STRING" | | chr | "u:chr SCALAR" | | comment | "u:comment STRING" | | compile | "u:compile STRING" | | copyfileto | "b:STRING copyfileto STRING" | | cos | "u:cos SCALAR" | | cosangle | "b:ARRAY cosangle ARRAY" | | count | "b:STRING count ARRAY", "u:count ARRAY", "u:count STRING" | | createfolder | "u:createfolder STRING" | | createfolderex | "u:createfolderex STRING" | | createposedobject | "b:Document createposedobject STRING" | | default | "u:default STRING" | | deg | "u:deg SCALAR" | | delay | "u:delay SCALAR" | | deletefile | "u:deletefile STRING" | | deselectobjects | "u:deselectobjects Document" | | determinant | "u:determinant ARRAY" | | dialogbox | "u:dialogbox ARRAY" | | distancefrom | "b:ARRAY distancefrom ARRAY" | | dlgclose | "u:dlgclose SCALAR" | | dlgenablecontrol | "b:SCALAR dlgenablecontrol BOOL" | | dlggetcontrols | "u:dlggetcontrols STRING" | | dlggetdialogrect | "n:dlggetdialogrect" | | dlggetscreenrect | "n:dlggetscreenrect" | | dlgmaprect | "u:dlgmaprect ARRAY" | | dlgmove | "u:dlgmove ARRAY" | | dlgsetfocus | "u:dlgsetfocus SCALAR" | | dlgsize | "u:dlgsize ARRAY" | | dlgstopallevents | "n:dlgstopallevents" | | dlgstopevent | "n:dlgstopevent" | | dlgsync | "u:dlgsync STRING" | | dlgunlockparent | "n:dlgunlockparent" | | dlgupdate | "u:dlgupdate STRING" | | dlgupdatelist | "b:STRING dlgupdatelist ARRAY" | | dlgupdatemclist | "b:STRING dlgupdatemclist ARRAY" | | dlgvisiblecontrol | "b:SCALAR dlgvisiblecontrol BOOL" | | dlgwaitcursor | "n:dlgwaitcursor" | | dlgyield | "n:dlgyield" | | do | "b:WHILE do STRING", "b:FOR do STRING", "b:SWITCH do STRING" | | doesintersect | "b:PosEdObject doesintersect Net", "u:doesintersect PosEdObject" | | eatws | "u:eatws IOStream" | | eatwseol | "u:eatwseol IOStream" | | echo | "u:echo STRING" | | else | "b:STRING else STRING" | | eof | "u:eof IOStream" | | eoln | "n:eoln" | | exitwith | "b:IF exitwith STRING" | | exp | "u:exp SCALAR" | | explorefor | "b:IOStream explorefor STRING" | | false | "n:false" | | fastload | "b:Document fastload STRING", "u:fastload Document" | | filesize | "u:filesize IOStream" | | find | "b:ARRAY find ANY", "b:STRING find STRING" | | findi | "b:STRING findi STRING" | | finite | "u:finite SCALAR" | | floor | "u:floor SCALAR" | | for | "u:for STRING", "u:for ARRAY" | | foreach | "b:STRING foreach ARRAY" | | from | "b:FOR from SCALAR" | | fromhex | "u:fromhex STRING" | | get | "b:IOStream get SCALAR" | | getactivedoc | "n:getactivedoc" | | getartificialobjecttemplates | "u:getartificialobjecttemplates Document" | | getbasetexture | "b:Document getbasetexture ARRAY" | | getbimpassfilename | "u:getbimpassfilename Texture Template" | | getboundingrect | "u:getboundingrect AreaObject" | | getbuffer | "u:getbuffer IOStream" | | getcd | "n:getcd" | | getdir | "u:getdir PosEdObject", "u:getdir Net" | | getfilename | "u:getfilename Document" | | getlandheight | "b:Document getlandheight ARRAY" | | getlandtexture | "b:Document getlandtexture ARRAY" | | getline | "u:getline IOStream" | | getmodelfile | "u:getmodelfile Object Template,Matrix" | | getname | "u:getname Object Template,Matrix", "u:getname Texture Template" | | getnatureobjecttemplates | "u:getnatureobjecttemplates Document" | | getnet | "b:Document getnet SCALAR" | | getnetcount | "u:getnetcount Document" | | getnetiter | "u:getnetiter Document" | | getobjectsin | "b:Document getobjectsin AreaObject" | | getobjectswithtemplate | "b:Document getobjectswithtemplate STRING" | | getobjecttemplates | "b:Document getobjecttemplates STRING" | | getpos | "u:getpos PosEdObject", "u:getpos Net" | | getposedobject | "b:Document getposedobject SCALAR" | | getposedobjectcount | "u:getposedobjectcount Document" | | getposedobjectiter | "u:getposedobjectiter Document" | | getprimtexture | "b:Document getprimtexture ARRAY" | | getrelheight | "u:getrelheight PosEdObject" | | getrvmatfilename | "u:getrvmatfilename Texture Template" | | getselectedarea | "u:getselectedarea Document" | | getselectednets | "u:getselectednets Document" | | getselectedposedobjects | "u:getselectedposedobjects Document" | | getsurfacename | "u:getsurfacename Texture Template" | | gettemplatename | "u:gettemplatename PosEdObject" | | getterrainname | "u:getterrainname Texture Template" | | getterrainsize | "u:getterrainsize Document" | | gettexturefilename | "u:gettexturefilename Texture Template" | | getverticesunder | "b:Document getverticesunder AreaObject", "u:getverticesunder PosEdObject", "u:getverticesunder Net" | | getwalkpoints | "u:getwalkpoints Net" | | getwaterheight | "b:Document getwaterheight ARRAY" | | getxmltag | "u:getxmltag IOStream" | | getzeropos | "u:getzeropos PosEdObject" | | halt | "n:halt" | | homefolder | "n:homefolder" | | hostingapp | "n:hostingapp" | | if | "u:if BOOL" | | ignore | "b:IOStream ignore SCALAR" | | in | "b:ANY in ARRAY" | | inform | "b:SCALAR inform STRING", "b:STRING inform STRING" | | isnetiter | "u:isnetiter Document" | | isnil | "u:isnil STRING" | | ispointatarea | "b:ARRAY ispointatarea AreaObject" | | isposedobjectiter | "u:isposedobjectiter Document" | | iswaterat | "b:Document iswaterat ARRAY" | | ln | "u:ln SCALAR" | | load | "b:Document load STRING", "u:load Document" | | lock | "b:PosEdObject lock BOOL", "b:Net lock BOOL" | | locktextures | "b:AreaObject locktextures BOOL" | | lockvertices | "b:AreaObject lockvertices BOOL", "b:Document lockvertices ARRAY" | | log | "u:log SCALAR" | | max | "b:SCALAR max SCALAR" | | messagebox | "u:messagebox ARRAY" | | min | "b:SCALAR min SCALAR" | | mod | "b:SCALAR mod SCALAR" | | mxcalculatehierarchy | "b:ARRAY mxcalculatehierarchy ARRAY" | | mxget | "u:mxget Object Template,Matrix" | | mxinterpolate | "b:ARRAY mxinterpolate SCALAR" | | mxinverse | "u:mxinverse Object Template,Matrix" | | mxload | "u:mxload ARRAY" | | mxloaddiraside | "u:mxloaddiraside ARRAY" | | mxloaddirup | "u:mxloaddirup ARRAY" | | mxloadupaside | "u:mxloadupaside ARRAY" | | mxloadupdir | "u:mxloadupdir ARRAY" | | mxmove | "u:mxmove ARRAY" | | mxpivot | "u:mxpivot ARRAY" | | mxpivotrotate | "b:ARRAY mxpivotrotate ARRAY" | | mxpivotscale | "b:ARRAY mxpivotscale ARRAY", "b:ARRAY mxpivotscale SCALAR" | | mxpop | "u:mxpop ARRAY" | | mxpush | "b:ARRAY mxpush Object Template,Matrix" | | mxrotate | "u:mxrotate ARRAY" | | mxscale | "u:mxscale ARRAY", "u:mxscale SCALAR" | | mxtop | "u:mxtop ARRAY" | | mxunpivot | "u:mxunpivot ARRAY" | | newarea | "u:newarea Document" | | nextnetiter | "u:nextnetiter Document" | | nextposedobjectiter | "u:nextposedobjectiter Document" | | nil | "n:nil" | | not | "u:not BOOL" | | openerrorio | "n:openerrorio" | | openfile | "u:openfile ARRAY" | | openhybridstream | "u:openhybridstream ARRAY" | | openmemorystream | "u:openmemorystream STRING" | | opennetworkserver | "u:opennetworkserver ARRAY" | | opennetworkstream | "u:opennetworkstream ARRAY" | | openstandardio | "n:openstandardio" | | or | "b:BOOL or BOOL" | | parsenumber | "u:parsenumber STRING" | | pi | "n:pi" | | private | "u:private" | | rad | "u:rad SCALAR" | | random | "u:random SCALAR" | | renamefileto | "b:STRING renamefileto STRING" | | reset | "u:reset AreaObject" | | resetnetiter | "u:resetnetiter Document" | | resetposedobjectiter | "u:resetposedobjectiter Document" | | resize | "b:ARRAY resize SCALAR" | | round | "u:round SCALAR" | | save | "b:Document save STRING", "u:save Document" | | scopename | "u:scopename STRING" | | seekinput | "b:IOStream seekinput SCALAR" | | seekoutput | "b:IOStream seekoutput SCALAR" | | select | "b:ARRAY select SCALAR", "b:ARRAY select BOOL" | | selectindoc | "b:ARRAY selectindoc Document", "b:PosEdObject selectindoc Document", "b:AreaObject selectindoc Document" | | set | "b:ARRAY set ARRAY" | | setcd | "u:setcd STRING" | | setdir | "b:PosEdObject setdir SCALAR", "b:Net setdir SCALAR" | | setfilename | "b:Document setfilename STRING" | | setmodelfile | "b:Object Template,Matrix setmodelfile STRING" | | setname | "b:Object Template,Matrix setname STRING" | | setpos | "b:PosEdObject setpos ARRAY", "b:Net setpos ARRAY" | | setrelheight | "b:PosEdObject setrelheight SCALAR" | | settimer | "u:settimer ARRAY" | | setverticesto | "b:ARRAY setverticesto Document" | | shell | "b:STRING shell STRING" | | shellcmd | "u:shellcmd STRING" | | shellcmdnowait | "u:shellcmdnowait STRING" | | shellcmdopenpipe | "u:shellcmdopenpipe STRING" | | showconsole | "u:showconsole BOOL" | | sin | "u:sin SCALAR" | | skipuntil | "b:IOStream skipuntil STRING" | | solveequation | "b:ARRAY solveequation ARRAY" | | sortby | "b:ARRAY sortby STRING", "b:ARRAY sortby STRING" | | splitpath | "u:splitpath STRING" | | sqrt | "u:sqrt SCALAR" | | step | "b:FOR step SCALAR" | | str | "u:str ANY" | | strcmp | "b:STRING strcmp STRING", "b:STRING strcmp STRING" | | supportinfo | "u:supportinfo STRING" | | switch | "u:switch ANY" | | tan | "u:tan SCALAR" | | tellinput | "u:tellinput IOStream" | | tellouput | "u:tellouput IOStream" | | testidentifier | "u:testidentifier IOStream" | | testnumber | "u:testnumber IOStream" | | testnumberint | "u:testnumberint IOStream" | | testxmltag | "b:IOStream testxmltag STRING" | | tg | "u:tg SCALAR" | | then | "b:IF then STRING", "b:IF then ARRAY" | | throw | "u:throw ANY" | | to | "b:FOR to SCALAR" | | tohex | "u:tohex SCALAR" | | tolower | "u:tolower STRING" | | toupper | "u:toupper STRING" | | transform | "b:Object Template,Matrix transform ARRAY" | | transformfast | "b:Object Template,Matrix transformfast ARRAY" | | true | "n:true" | | try | "u:try STRING" | | typename | "u:typename ANY" | | unsettimer | "u:unsettimer STRING" | | val | "u:val STRING" | | vectorsize | "u:vectorsize ARRAY" | | waituntil | "u:waituntil STRING" | | while | "u:while STRING" | ====== Notes ====== This list was found on [[http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Master85's_Sandbox|Master85's sandbox]].