====== ArmA 1 Custom Mine Config ====== [[https://www.pmctactical.org/forum/viewforum.php?f=42|ArmA 1 Forum]], [[:arma|ArmA 1 Home]], [[arma:config|ArmA 1 Config]], [[arma:tools|ArmA 1 Tools]], [[arma:file_formats|ArmA 1 File Formats]], [[arma:missions|ArmA 1 Missions]], [[arma:modeling|ArmA 1 3D Modeling]], [[arma:terrain|ArmA 1 Terrain]], [[arma:texturing|ArmA 1 Texturing]], [[arma:scripting|ArmA 1 Scripting]] **ArmA 1** aka Armed Assault (ArmA) **Custom Mine Config** I was looking for how to configure mines for a mod, so this is what I discovered. The vehicleClass has to be the default Mines otherwise the mines don't work. class CfgPatches { class my_mines { units[] = {}; weapons[] = { "My_mine1", "My_mine2" }; requiredAddons[] = { "CAData", "CAWeapons" }; requiredVersion = 1.07; }; }; class CfgAmmo { class MineCore; class My_Mine1Ammo: MineCore { hit = 1200; indirectHit = 1100; indirectHitRange = 2; model = "\path\model"; defaultMagazine = "My_Mine1Mag"; }; class My_Mine2Ammo: My_Mine1Ammo { hit = 800; indirectHit = 500; model = "\path\model"; defaultMagazine = "My_Mine2Mag"; }; }; class CfgMagazines { class TimeBomb; class My_Mine1Mag: TimeBomb { scope = public; displayName = "My Mine 1"; picture = "\CA\weapons\data\equip\HMineMag_ca.paa"; ammo = "My_Mine1Ammo"; }; class My_Mine2Mag: My_Mine1Mag { displayName = "My Mine 2"; ammo = "My_Mine2Ammo"; }; }; class CfgWeapons { class Default; class TimeBomb; class Put: Default { class PutMuzzle; }; class My_MinePut: Put { displayName = "My Put"; muzzles[] = { "My_MinePutMuzzle" }; class My_MinePutMuzzle: PutMuzzle { displayName = "My Mine Put"; magazines[] = { "My_Mine1Mag", "My_Mine2Mag" }; }; }; class My_Mine1: TimeBomb { enableAttack = 0; ammo = "My_Mine1Ammo"; displayName = "My Mine 1"; nameSound = "mine"; sound[] = {}; class Library {}; }; class My_Mine2: My_Mine1 { ammo = "My_Mine2Ammo"; displayName = "AT Mine m/36"; }; }; class cfgVehicles { class MineGeneric; class My_Mine1Mine: MineGeneric { scope = public; displayName = "My Mine 1"; ammo = "My_Mine1Ammo"; model = "\path\model"; }; class My_Mine2Mine: My_Mine1Mine { displayName = "My Mine 2"; ammo = "My_Mine2Ammo"; model = "\path\model"; }; }; Any feedback would be appreciated of other methods of creating custom mines. Feel free to post into [[https://www.pmctactical.org/forum/viewforum.php?f=42|PMC Tactical ArmA 1 Forum]].