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arma:texturing:custom_texture [2015-08-22 01:44]
arma:texturing:custom_texture [2015-08-22 01:44]
snakeman removed obsolete links.
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 +====== Custom Texture ======
 +**Custom texture** by Mateck
 +That custom texture is a very interesting thing, pretty nice and saves quite some megabytes.
 +Any details on how its done?
 +Yes it saves megabytes as we don't need to create .p3d models for every paint scheme in our addon.
 +The way to do this is very simple.
 +1) select all faces that are using single texture\\
 +2) create new selection
 +3) in config.cpp under vehicle class put something like this
 +<code cpp>
 +hiddenSelections[] = {"​01_co","​02_co","​03_co","​04_co"​};​
 +where *_co are selections used by our T-72
 +4) now those selections will be invisible in game, to avoid this we need to use setObjectTexture command under Init EventHandlers of our addon or later in game
 +For our T-72 we used following code
 +<code cpp>
 +class Extended_Init_EventHandlers
 +     class CH_T72 {
 +          init = CH_Textures = [_this select 0, ""​BIS""​] execVM ""​\ch_t72\scripts\textures.sqf"";";​
 +                    };
 +and here is example code for textures.sqf
 +<code cpp>
 +_tex = _this select 0;
 +switch (_this select 1) do
 +case "​BIS"​ :
 +_tex setObjectTexture [1,"​\ch_t72\data\t72_1_co.paa"​];​
 +_tex setObjectTexture [2,"​\ch_t72\data\t72_2_co.paa"​];​
 +_tex setObjectTexture [3,"​\ch_t72\data\t72_3_co.paa"​];​
 +_tex setObjectTexture [4,"​\ch_t72\data\t72_4_co.paa"​];​
 +And that will be all. Fell free to use this code or change it whatever you like ;)
 +We still need to test this feature to ensure that there is no negative impact on performance and it works fine in multiplayer.
 +Need to say that this hole idea of custom textures is inspired by Dune Buggy addon by Sebastian Muller from OFP
 +That was really the original purpose, but with ArmA you can also change textures on "​hiddenSelections"​ using "​hiddenSelectionsTextures"​.
arma/texturing/custom_texture.txt ยท Last modified: 2015-08-22 01:44 (external edit)